A guide to types of appliances ,how to install properly,and deciding what type to buy.
There are many various types of appliances (a devise or tool designed for a specific task) and when it comes to kitchens they are used mainly in the preparation of food or related tasks.
Lets start with an empty kitchen and from scratch think about what we want in the kitchen that would assist us in food preparation to start with however there is more to it than that .
Below is a list of things to concider off the top of my head.
1) Layout
Meaning planning where everything will sit as once in place the major layout is set and rearranging is not possible such as when you switch a living room couch from one wall to another.Stoves have gas lines,refidgerators have water lines ,sinks have drains and waterlines,etc.
2) Space
This relates directly to layout and will be the limiting factor in determing what you can do or install.
3) Daily use
Will this room be used just for cooking or will it also be used for eating,sitting,social gathering ?
(see space)
4) Value
Remodeling a kitchen can be costly so are you going to get back the amount of cash you put in to making this the kitchen of your dreams and do you even care?
5) Appliances
Which appliances will you need to assist you in cooking,cleaning,etc ?
Lets begin with appliances,what to get,and how to install.