
Adressing the market

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Wright Realty

Ok,  I had an email this morning from a client. He emailed  an article on "how bad the market" is and to stay away from Real estate.

Now this is distressing to me because in the White Mountains of NH and Western Maine, we are not seeing this trend. We of course have seen a slow down and price reductions, but our office is still productive.

So I put out to do I respond to these negative sources. My concern is that iwhen I tell them about our market verses the rest of the states, they tend not to believe what I say. They think that I am "selling"

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Tracy Santrock
Santrock Realty Group Inc. , - Cary, NC
Raleigh - Cary Broker
Our market has also been pretty strong here. Unfortunately the national news is doom and gloom and its starting to wear off on my clients. 
Nov 30, 2007 01:34 AM
Peter Thompson
Downers Grove, IL
Chicago Mortgage Insight
Kristen, There is a lot of fear among consumers, but the market is local. I think it will take a lot longer for this mess to unwind in the areas that were red-hot over the last few years, but over time I think that people will see this is a great time to buy.
Nov 30, 2007 01:47 AM