
True Meaning of the Season

Real Estate Agent with Allen Tate 190852

My son (8 years old) and I ring the bell for Salvation Army in front of the Wal-Mart every year at Christmas. Like many parents, I started taking him along a few years ago to try to teach him to volunteer to give back for the blessing of what he has. Usually we see some friends, maybe a past client or 2, and I walk away feeling good for seeing all the strangers who put in some change or a few dollars to help some unseen person in need.

This year was special. An older lady, a little stooped and slow and mabe 5 feet tall, stopped me as I rang the bell. She said "Thank you for all you do. One year when I was a little girl, the only Christmas present I got was from the Salvation Army. I kept that doll until I gave it to my daughter and it finally fell apart. I always remember and try to put in (the donation kettle) as much as I can, because I hope you can do the same for other little girls and boys." I could tell as she thanked me that she thought I was "the Sa;vation Army" and I wanted to explain that I was only volunteering for an hour, but she had already put her dollars in the kettle and started back to her car. A few minutes earlier, I was looking at my watch to see how much of the hour I had left. Now I felt guilty for only giving an hour. I watched the lady get in her car in the handicapped spot right in front of the store and was relieved when she pulled out and avoided being hit in the crazy traffic we see in front of every retailer this time of year.

I'm going to try to keep that little lady and her spirit with me as long as I can. A lot of us Realtors, including me, have felt frustrated by the tougher market. This morning as I write this, that little lady made me a lot more thankful and a lot less frustrated. I hope it makes you feel the same way.

Bill Balatow-Realtor- Iredell County-Lake Norman-North Carolina


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Frank Rubi
Frank Rubi Real Estate, LLC - Metairie, LA
Bill, I understand what your saying. I was telling a new agent yesterday. It could be worst.
Dec 01, 2007 10:56 PM
Steve Glose
Keller Williams Legacy - Orlando, FL
TRC, CIPS, 407-616-7286, Orlando Real Estate, Orla
Great story. even in tough times we all need to give back something no matter how small it may be.
Dec 01, 2007 10:58 PM
TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc.
Complete Home Inspections, Inc. - Brentwood, TN
Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
Reminds me of the widow and her 2 mites. Good post! Thanks for remind us what the season is really about.
Dec 01, 2007 11:01 PM
Vincent McKamy
Samson Properties - Fredericksburg, VA
Realtor Fredericksburg Virginia
Great Story - I have a nine year old this year and that sounds like a great idea.  Thanks Bill
Dec 01, 2007 11:30 PM
Roby Robertson
Mooresville, NC

Thanks Bill,

Even though the season is over, the season of giving and sharing should never end.  I live by the creed, 'Be nice to someone today'.  Stories like this one reinforces this spirt and the never ending spirit of giving.

Thanks again,

Roby Robertson




Feb 06, 2008 11:28 PM