Not only are lower mortgage rates a great reason to buy now, buyers looking to purchase within the next 2-3 months could save big $$$ by closing on a home before the end of the year on their 2008 property tax bill. In Georgia, you qualify for a HomeStead Exemption by owning and occupying a home on January 1st. Your 2008 tax bill that comes due for many in the fall, will reflect this lower tax rate if you qualify and file within the required time frame (check with your county for details). If you close January 2nd, you will have to wait until 2009 to get the exemption. Depending on the value of the home, this could mean saving big money…we could be talking $100s per month on your tax payment!!! Another befit is that certain costs (mortgage points) could be deductible for your 2007 income taxes. Be sure to consult your tax professional regarding these items!
In the meantime, start searching now at for that home! There is still time to close before the end of the year but you better get moving…