
Top Producer Web Sites

Real Estate Technology with Sentext Solutions


December 2007 Year End Special!

$50 off Top Producer Website Setup Fee

Most real estate agents start a year off by making important decisions on how they are going to operate for the year in January or February. The problem with that, is once a system is in place, it takes time to reap the rewards. Making such an important decision at the start of the year, won't produce results until several months down the road.

80% of consumers target their efforts online before communicating with real estate agents and it is important to have an aggressive online presence in today's market. Most real estate agents may have a Website, but only think of it as a glorified business card. That couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, it makes good business sense to not only utilize the tool that they have, but expand on it with capturing different corners of the market and running multiple websites.

***  Special Expires - December 31st, 2007  ***

New Website Customers

Subscribe to Top Producer Websites before December 31st, 2007 and Top Producer will reduce the setup fee by 50% to $49.00.

Add as many additional websites to their account for a monthly fee of $25 per website with NO setup fee!

Existing Website Customers

Subscribe to as many Top Producer Websites as they want before December 31st, 2007 for only $25 per website with NO setup fee!

If you are an agent in North Carolina or South Carolina and would like to add a website before the end of the year... Please call me at 704-351-4029 or via email at if you would like to take advantage of this end of year special!