
Tis The Season To Light Up!

Real Estate Agent with Redfin

We are usually the last in our neighborhood to do anything seasonal. Always the last to mulch every Spring, last to plant annuals in the Summer, last to put out the Halloween scarecrow (this year he sadly didn’t make it out at all!), and of course last to hang the Christmas lights. But… not THIS YEAR!

Ok, so we went a smidge overboard. Last Christmas due to a family death we did not even put up a tree so this year the spirit of the season has struck us early and my husband (AKA: Jason ‘Griswold’) had to show off his fancy light work. I am now proud to announce our home is the official emergency landing strip for Bluegrass Airport.

Being the first house on our block, maybe even the neighborhood to roll out the festivities has its perks, for instance:

  • Neighbors we have never talked to have actually CALLED us (on the phone!) To say the house looks great, admiring our house put them in the holiday spirit too.
  •  When driving down my street on a dark and rainy night there is no need to squint to see the road or identify the exact place to turn into the   driveway. 
  • It’s done! One more thing checked off my holiday to do list!
  • We just received word that the neighborhood association is having a house decorating contest. We're in it to win it!
  • Finally, it’s really nice to be welcomed home after a long day of trying to sell other people’s houses to something this cheerful and warm. 

Happy Holidays!




I apologize for the poor picture quality, they were taken with a camera phone. The pics really don't do it justice, the house is ALOT brighter than it looks here.  

Christmas Lights

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Larry Bettag
Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001 - Saint Charles, IL
Vice-President of National Production
Awesome pictures....definitely into the's the reason, not the gifts that's important for Christmas.
Dec 04, 2007 01:56 AM
Heather the Realtor Orlando, Lake Mary
LemonTree Realty - Orlando, FL
First Time Home Buyers, Bank Owned Homes
Yeah we are normally the first I get all excited, however this year I am at the point to where I didnt want to do anything. Your Orlando & Lake Mary REal Estate Expert, Heather Joubran
Dec 04, 2007 02:01 AM
Bret & Meredith Amon
LIV-Sotheby's International Realty - Breckenridge, CO
Breckenridge, Keystone, Silverthorne, Frisco,

How pretty!  I completely understand- we are always last to do eveything too.  This must be such a relief for you.  Good luck in the contest!


Dec 04, 2007 02:02 AM
Charlottesville Solutions
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA

Love your Christmas Spirit!!!


Mr. C


Dec 04, 2007 02:04 AM
Jeanean Gendron
The Address Realty - Redding, CA
Specializing in Selling Unique Properties
Danielle, the house looks so nice and so "lighted up". Good to have the spirit and cheer going. Merry Christmas and thanks for bringing a smile my way this AM.
Dec 04, 2007 02:11 AM
Danielle Field
Redfin - Middletown, KY
Redfin Market Manager

Larry - Thanks, you're absolutely right, we forget that sometimes.

Heather - Thanks for the comment, you're allowed to have an off year now and then!

Meredith - Thank you! It is a big relief, there is sooo much going on this time of year that anything I can check off the list is a relief!

Charles - I like your Christmas Spirit Too! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Jeanean - Your welcome, I didn't know I would put a smile on anyone's face this morning! I hope you have a great day and thanks for the comment.

Dec 04, 2007 06:22 AM
Dale Baker
Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections - Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information

Howdy Danielle

First I would like to say theres no need to apologize. We all can see your in the Christmas Spirit and thats alway a good thing. At these times sometimes thing happen and we do the best we can.

Wishing you and yours a grand Holiday Season!

Have a good one


Dec 09, 2007 05:48 AM
Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

Good luck on winning your contest.

My wife would like to win ours and tries, but is so outspent by one of the neighbors that no one else really has a hope of winning.

But we all keep decorating to our own taste anyway.

"our home is the official emergency landing strip for Bluegrass Airport."  Cute Analogy!


Dec 10, 2007 01:41 PM