For a quick status and update to the larget bridge project in the US right now the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge now officially named by the United States Congress as the "Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge" (happened a few months back) now has the new cranes inplace and the two major cables have been strung across the canyon gap.
With that the project is nearly to get back underway for the reported 2010 opening. The purpsoe of the project is to facilitate the CANAMEX Highway which is the NAFTA Route from Mexico to Canada. For those that arean't aware Mohave County is the first county on the Arizona side of the Dam. Mohave is the 5th largest county in the US with over 13,300 square miles.
With land in the Vegas marekt going for greater than $500-800K per acre and upwards of 1.2 mi per acre in the rising times the prices of property across the river are pretty good at 20K to 80K per acre dependent on the location, access and water. Back in 2004 and 2005 people were scooping up land for less then 10-15K per acre. Even though were starting at a slightly higher rate every one of teh fundamental reasons for the prices and the activity are still in place.
Hoover Dam, Exurban development with 50,000 homes in sustainable developments to be built soon, Wal-Mart Distribution Center and now a new hospital, more growth, 2 new power plants. Alone the Hoover Dam Bridge is a 124 million project. Our opinion of Mohave County is that in teh future it'll be a major distribution transportation super center and the beginning phases of growth is just beginning to occur. For more continued information and updated news will stay intune to the changing times.