Camden County Real Estate, Gloucester County Real Estate and Burlington County Real Estate and Homes For Sale...
The more I research what is selling, how it is selling, what area's are selling (and what area's are not selling), about 90% of the time I'm finding one common factor, PRICE POINT!
Before I get into this, I want to make something clear, there is no substitution nor is there any excuse for not having a home that is picked up, clean not cluttered, good paint and in generally good condition. CURB APPEAL IS KING! You will be amazed how much buyers want to deduct for bad paint. It just amazes me when someone wants top price points, but the house is a mess.
With that said let's move forward.
The "MEDIA" tells us the market is horrible and prices are going to continue to drop! Well, we don't have to fall into their mind games folks, INTEREST RATES ARE LOOOOOOOOW! We can definitely lace up the gloves and put up a good fight and focus to get every penny of your homes true worth.
Some points when thinking about putting your home on the market now;
•1. Find a good REALTOR® that will assist you with ANY questions that you may have. Here is what you should expect from your REALTOR®; They should speak with you about the condition of your home, (not TO you or AT you,) they should allow you to speak and ask questions. A good REALTOR® will offer you sound advice on key selling points, what to fix, maybe some painting pointers, whether it be to change colors in a room etc.. The REALTOR® should be tactful and respectful to you and your home. If they tell you that you need to pick up the area, please don't take it as an insult if it was not spoken as such. REMEMBER, we are in hundreds of homes per year and you are hiring us for our expertise. It is OUR job to sell your home for the MOST we can get for you. The REALTOR® should have a market report, a CMA, (which tells you what other comparable homes are selling for,) some examples of past homes sold and what THEY (the REALTOR®) WILL do for you. If a REALTOR® promises to sell your home, maybe you should consider saying one can make those promises but they can work hard with you to sell it, there is no substitute for hard work. SETTLE FOR NOTHING LESS.
I offer my clients virtual tours, video if needed, EXCELLENT photography of the home with professional equipment, print advertising and your homes OWN website and a showcase on (About the photos, this is important folks, don't settle for less, it is your home and there are many out there for sale, great pictures can set your home apart, just ask some of my clients). Any additional forms of advertising are absolutely an important added value. Finally, you must feel comfortable with your REALTOR and be able to pick up the phone to speak with them during normal business hours, I do my best to return a call within 90mins. The REALTOR® should be in touch with you at minimum 2 times a week, they should work on new ideas with you, the seller, if your home is getting no traffic after 3 weeks. Every REALTOR I know earns their commission, we have expenses and we work many hours. Be weary of a REALTOR that is willing to sell your house for basically no commission, will it be worth it?
Remember, a REALTOR® does not get paid UNTIL your home sells (at least this one doesn't)!
•2. Many homes sit on the market simply because they are not being priced properly. When your REALTOR® offers you a selling point, hopefully they have done so from researching the market. Please be realistic with your price point. If you have home equity loans and you need to get a certain amount for your property, maybe you can consider waiting and paying that loan down if possible. An important point, a home that sits on the market too long begins to get stigmatized, (what's wrong with that house? Nothing, it was probably priced wrong) thus bringing even a lower price. Let's try to do it right the first time. FACT; when a home is price too high it usually sells for less than it could have sold for. If I don't think I can sell a home, I will be honest and tell you and politely decline the listing.
•3. Landscape- keep it green and colorful! Its winter, still, keep it tidy, there are bushes that stay green all year, (Evergreens) Remember curb appeal?
•4. Don't give anything away at first, no concessions and even if your leaving the fridge, stove, microwave and other "things" use them as concessions, if a low offer comes in counter with a fair price back, but throw in the washer and dryer if you were already going to give it up anyway, (don't put it in the MLS), I think you get my point. Save financial concession for last resort. I'm not sure how well they work and they shouldn't be needed even in "THIS MARKET" if your home is priced correctly.
I hope this helps you...
Thank for taking the time...and now for my shameless plug!
Dave Sulvetta REATOR-Associate
Century 21 Hearst
Camden County Real Estate, Gloucester County Real Estate, Burlington County Real Estate