Homeowner's all around the nation today should have hope from the foreclosure relief plan that President Bush released. Since the foreclosure rate has risen to all time highs this much needed relief to many homeowners that carry subprime Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Bush said that 1.2 million people could be eligible for assistance. He also stated that others will be considered for help with refinancing. Call the hotline 1-888-995-HOPE to see if you are eligible for the relief. Remember, you have to ask to receive!
As a Realtor and homeowner, I am glad the White House finally stepped up and addressed the current foreclosure situation. I applaud President Bush for his actions to aid homeowners all around the nation. Time will tell if this is the only relief needed or if more drastic measures will have to be taken. Some people think that the relief is not nearly enough. Maybe they need to count their blessings for the relief that is being given instead of wanting a perfect solution. Your comments are welcome.