Featured Professional Profiles
I have decided that I am going to begin featuring some of the amazing men and women that I work with daily that pour their heart and soul into getting and keeping consumers in the homes of their dreams. I am fortunate enough to have contact with so many professionals that are truly outstanding and I want you to get to know them.
The professionals that I work with understand that owning a home is one of the most exciting, over whelming investments of our client's life. I invite you to take a few minutes and learn more about these great professionals.
Current To Be Featured List:
- Anthony Mosley, VanDyk Mortgage Corp
- John Rice, Prudential Preferred Realtor
- Rory Byrne, Sun Title
- Anita Miron, Allen Edwin Homes
- Chuck VanDuren, VanDuren Irving West Insurance Agency
- Julie Stone, Staged to Sell, By Julie
- Grant Alexander, VanDyk Mortgage
- George Guyott, First Advantage Real Estate
- Tracy Anderson, Five Star and Hands on House
- Patricia Caston, Midstate Title Agency