
Anthony Mosley, VanDyk Mortgage Corp Featured Professional

Mortgage and Lending with The Jonathan Arnold Team of Inlanta Mortgage


Anthony Mosley, VanDyk Mortgage


 Anthony Mosley, VanDyk Mortgage Corporation

 I have had the pleasure to work with Anthony Mosley over the last handful of years and have seen his passion and enthusiasm first hand for each of his clients.  Anthony works directly with each one of his clients to get their loan transaction completed quickly and smoothly.  Currently Anthony closes his clients' mortgage loans on average of 26 days.

Anthony has a motto: "I don't tell my clients no, I tell them how."  As cheesy as this may sound this is something that Anthony stands by.  He believes in his clients and points them in the direction they need to go to become homeowners.  So no matter the time frame 30 days or even 3 years, Anthony is there to make their dream come true.

Anthony is supported by a fabulous team!  Anthony always is talking about the amazing group of people that make up his team and simply make things happen.  His group is made up of a processor, group of underwriters, closers, shippers, funders and post closers all in one office to ensure that things flow smoothly and quickly.  Also, part of Anthony's team are his Platinum Partners who include Real Estate Agents, Title Agents, Insurance Agents and Attorneys to mention a few.

Anthony enjoys focusing on giving back.  Anthony has been working to put together a group of professionals from varying fields to educate our Veterans on the benefits that they are currently not taking advantage of or are even unaware of.  In conjunction with this cause he is working to utilize a title company that donates back to a Veteran's Advocacy Fund that puts the money back into the local community.

Anthony also enjoys sharing his knowledge with consumers and local professionals by helping to lead workshops and seminars to educate others on industry changes as well as general mortgage and real estate knowledge.


Bio on Anthony Mosley

Anthony has been in the Mortgage Industry since 2000 and is currently licensed to do business in 8 states. Anthony is experiened in all areas from origination to secondary marketing.  He prides himself on his work with his clients and being straight forward and honest to insure their best interest when choosing a mortgage loan. 

Anthony originates FHA, VA, Conventional, Rural Development and Reverse Mortgages. His mortgage loan originator licenses are held in Michigan, Indiana, Georgia, California, Tennessee, Utah, Florida and Texas.

Phone: 616.974.9209



Facebook Page

NMLS# 130260


One of Anthony's Client Testimonials:



Current To Be Featured List:


  • John Rice, Prudential Preferred Realtor
  • Rory Byrne, Sun Title
  • Anita Miron, Allen Edwin Homes
  • Chuck VanDuren, VanDuren Irving West Insurance Agency
  • Julie Stone, Staged to Sell, By Julie
  • Grant Alexander, VanDyk Mortgage
  • George Guyott, First Advantage Real Estate
  • Tracy Anderson, Five Star and Hands on House
  • Patricia Caston, Midstate Title Agency
Posted by


  Katrina Cole  

Katrina Cole

Business Development

The Jonathan Arnold Team

Inlanta Mortgage, Inc
2029 Celadon Dr NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

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(616) 682-6839



(616) 350-5515


Email: LinkedIn

Website: Google+


HOW we do business is WHY people do business with us.

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Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Good for you giving a shout out to your Mortgage pal. Anthony sounds like a great resource. Really glad that you utilized a video too. Smart you! :)

Mar 01, 2012 07:44 AM
Katrina Cole
The Jonathan Arnold Team of Inlanta Mortgage - East Grand Rapids, MI
Inlanta Mortgage, Business Development Manager

Thank you for the comment Debb.  I think it is important to recognize the great people we work with.

Mar 01, 2012 10:54 PM