Are Rich People More Likely to Act Unethically?
I read with interest the recent news report on the findings of a University of California at Berkley on whether rich people are more likely to act unethically. There were 3 different studies included in the study performed by a group of students at Berkley.
Read more about the various research findings included in this report.
This study caused me to pause and consider my own life. Has success and more financial freedom impacted me in a way similar to the findings of this study? Am I more likely to think of myself first and have I developed an attitude of entitlement?
I remember reading that folks who are quite poor are actually more generous in their giving patterns. Many years ago, the congregation I was serving as a pastor was sponsoring a refugee family. The woman needed to go to the supermarket to grocery shop. I transported her and on behalf of the congregation I paid for those groceries. After getting her to home, she insisted that I take some grapes she just purchased. “No way,” I thought. How could I accept this food which the church was paying for and she needed? However, in that moment, I realized it was important for her to give back to me in appreciation. After some hesitation, I accepted those grapes and said, “Thank you.”
I Timothy 6:1 says, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” Money is not the root of evil, but the love of money is. I think one important antidote to the love of money is developing a pattern of generosity. Give back. Get connected with all kinds of people, seeking to understand their needs and ways you can be part of their lives.
Develop a strong sense of ethical behavior and do not stray from it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. To many of us focus on the money to be made and need to be reminded that we will have greater rewards for our generosity.
Have a wonderful weekend, with your camera in hand.
This is a great story and it's so true! Since we really don't know what goes on behind closed doors, I think it's best if we keep our mouths shut and refrain from judging or commenting on things we don't know. Generalizations are dangerous.
You always write some thought provoking posts that are so meaningful. Gosh, I'm lucky to read them!
Have a wonderful day and thanks for a great post! This is a topic we need to know and understand - staying true to our values is so important.
Great things to ponder as we start our weeks off Cal! I do find that money will make people do crazy things. Look at reality TV.
Thank you for reminding me that money will not buy happiness, but being about God's business in whatever He directs me to do WILL! ♥
Cal, I think it's terribly important to give back. I'm glad you realized that it's also important to accept things (help) from others.
Cal, interesting study. I would not have guessed that the wealthier people are, the less generous. It is important for us to have generous hearts and to act upon the promptings of the Lord in giving.
Cal, Giving selflessly to those in need helps keep me humble and reminds me that I was once there. Always thankful with an attitude of gratitude. Great post!
Cal - It is better to give than receive but there are times when one should humbly say thank you as you so eloquently pointed out ..... Have a great day!!
Cal great thought, yes it is the love of money that is the problem. It is More important to focus on the needs of others and be generous.
Hi Cal,
I have heard for years that the root of all evil was money. But we all strive to succeed and to make more money. I think sometimes people just get wrapped up in their lives and forget to give back. Both rich and poor people go to church but maybe rich people are sometimes too busy to go. I am not making excuses but I think it seems on the person and not their wealth? Interesting and something to ponder over.
Cal - Money has never been our focus in life yet we still have to earn a living. Whether rich or poor it all depends on the individual we believe, not the party lines but hey that's just us... interesting post my friend...
Hi Cal,
I heard this myself as a news story just the other day and it gave me pause to think about it myself. Afer reading through your first comment I'm in agreement with you on this one.
Btw after reading your many posts for some time now I wasn't surprised to find out you're a former pastor. Your caring and integrity shines through in your words.
Cal, I think that anyone can be unethical. The Hummer that cuts people off while driving or the poor person on food stamps trying to game the system. Unethical people are unethical people, no matter what their financial situation.
Hi Cal,
I will have to read the full report on the findings. What a fascinating topic. I would like to understand the reasoning/causes behind it. Maybe in some way, unethical behavior is what causes many people to become rich. Therefore, a disproportionate number of rich people are unethical. And then others see how these people have profited from their unethical behavior and then other "successful" people make excuses that they can dabble in unethical behavior as well. "This is nothing compared to what so and so is doing." And once you start, it only gets worse.
I've always thought giving back is important, treat people like you would want to be treated. I often find out who your true friends are when with a seller and they call their friends to help them move and no one shows up.
Cal you are absolutely right. The older I get I find that I must check my actions and decisions closely. Even my "well intention ed" decisions can be more motivated by my own self interest rather than a concern for my Christian Brothers and Sisters. Servent hood is more difficult than it appears. No doubt that's why we are in need of redemption. :)
Cal, what a great reminder to continue to give back even when you are doing well. So many that stumble into money do seem to get more greedy yet when they have less they give I believe in hopes that someone will give to them. --Krystal
Cal what a great question, normally I read all the comments, but I did not want to taint my answer or what my perceptions were. Once I publish my comment I will read everyone else'. Now with that said I believe MONEY is an acceleratorl, if you are nice you will be nicer if you are evil you will be more evil. Hence my take is Money is just a vehicle. I have seen affluent people give Millions and Millions of Dollars to Charity and others just what ever their accountant said is the minimum so they can reap the Tax Write Offs..
I have missed your regular posts. I hope all is well with you.
Have a great day and an outstanding weekend.
Great post, Cal. I love the story of the grapes and did not know you used to be a pastor! Have a great day.