Tis the season, the season of giving, sharing, and thinking of what a wonderful life it is. We must live a life of gratitude, and not one of regret. Let us be greatful of those defending our shores over seas, and for the service that all essential personel do here in our country. Of course the Fire, Officer, Medical staff as well as the teachers, Mom's and Dad's of the mean so much. Let us be greatful to all and look at iving that extra 10% to those that may need it the most in this world. Clean the closet, see what clothes have not graced your body in a seaon. See what extra toy you may be able to help a child with. Contact your local Post Office to see what family you can sponsor for the Holidays, so that may do the same when they get back on their feet. It is a wonderful life, and it becomes even better when we share it with others.