
Short Sales from an escrow perspective

Title Insurance with Old Republic Title and escrow of Hawaii


 As part of my ongoing committment to providing quality information to the real estate community, please see Old Republic's latest information release on Short Sales.  I hope this information proves valuable to you.  For those of you in the state of Hawaii, we are scheduling classes on this topic on all islands taught by our own Jeannie Wenger.  Jeannie is a 28 year veteran of our industry and a true resource of knowlege.  I will post the dates of upcoming classes, or you can go to www.oldrephawaii to see our class calendar.  Happy Holidays!


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Mihaela Stoops
Aloha Realty Group - Lahaina, HI
REALTOR - Broker, Your Maui Real Estate Professional

Aloha Willie! Here you are....I loved the way you played at the RAM Installation Luncheon. Any improvements on teh tango?

Oct 16, 2008 07:51 PM