Suwanee Networking and Referral Group
Need more professional leads, want to expand your business, hoping to reach your 2012 professional goals? Why not join Suwanee Networking and Referral Group with like minded business people?
Join the Suwanee Networking and Referral Group and meet others who have successfully networked their business and have reaped the rewards with increased business. As you meet with Suwanee Networking and Referral Group and share their business, trust and respect grows and the net result is exchanging leads for growth in business. The only objective is to assist each other in reaching goals and increasing sales for professionals.
If you have a business that you want to improve sales or have an interest in assisting others in improving sales, join the Suwanee Networking and Referral Group online by clicking on this link.
Sign up and plan to meet the first and third Tues of the Month at 7:30am. Our schedule is on our website. Join Suwanee Networking and Referral Group and will make a difference in your professional life.
Bring business cards and an open mind to grow your business.