Well they may be in their eyes. The only real way to be sure if a buyer is real is to have them pre-approved for a loan with a reputable loan officer.
Buyers many times will start looking at homes far beyond their capabiltiy to buy. So if you go through all the work and effort of showing your home...accepting an offer and then find out they can not buy; how much emotional energy have you wasted? Not to mention real energy. The preparation of showing you home is not easy. It take time to clean, empty closets get it ready....only to find out the buyers were looking at home $50,000 over their real ability to buy.
When a buyer shows up at your door....do you ask if they have been to a lender? Why not? Do you think they are going to mind asking you to lower the price? If you are being represented your Realtor should ask for the pre-approval letter. Remember this letter was for a point in time that has passed. That means if the buyer purchased a new car to go in the garage of the new home they are buying their credit ratio may no longer be good. Which means they can no longer buy at the same price range they were previously approved.
So are buyers real? Yes and maybe yes and then again sometimes NO. Make sure you are dealing with real buyers before you go through all the hoops to show. Never do any repair requests without a purchase agreement and an updated lender pre-approval. Make sure your documents are in order and your buyers are real buyers.