
Rain Showers for Flower Power - Rain Barrel Workshop in Clark County, Washington

Industry Observer with Nature As Neighbors

You can turn those rain showers into flower power in Clark County, Washington. Harvesting rainwater for use during dry months in barrels or other containers is an ancient and traditional practice. Now, with the rising Turn Rain showers into flower power - Rain Barrel Workshop in Clark County, Washingtonprice of municipal water and occasional drought restrictions, more and more homeowners are collecting rain water to save money and precious resources.

The Watershed Stewards Program, Clark County Environmental Services and WSU Clark County Extension is hosting a workshop on March 20, 2012 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. The workshop includes instruction on the assembly and installation of rain barrels. It also focuses on improving storm-water quality by reducing storm water quantity to improve local watersheds.

A rain barrel collects roof water from a home's downspouts. A hose bib (faucet) attached to the bottom of the barrel allows you to tap the water to use for watering your garden, or your houseplants - rain showers to flower power. An overflow near the top of the barrel should be installed to divert the excess water to appropriate locations, that is, away from your home's foundation.

Turn Rain showers into flower power - Rain Barrel Workshop in Clark County, WashingtonA couple of important factors to consider in choosing a rain barrel are cost and safety. The container should be food grade, meaning it should never have stored solvents, paints or soaps. Also, common sense dictates covering much of the opening to protect a curious child or animals. Tight screening will also prevent mosquitoes from using the water as a breeding ground.

We get our fair share of rain, and Spring is no exception. Why not save the rain water we get today, for use during the dry months of mid-summer to early fall? Investigate the idea of harvesting rain water for yourself, or better yet, attend the Rain Barrel workshop on March 20th. You can turn those rain showers into flower power in Clark County, Washington.

If you're looking for an eco-friendly home and yard in Clark County, Washington, I'd love to be your EcoBroker.

Posted by

Debb Janes  Bernie Stea
Call or Text 360-608-4900

We help buyers and sellers in Camas, Washougal, Brush Prairie/Hockinson, Salmon Creek, Felida, and other Vancouver, Washington Areas. 

We bring our passion for nature and beautiful environments to Real Estate. Multigenerational and family estates, country land and homes, and small farmsteads are our speciality.

We agree with our clients, "The true luxury of rural living is having elbowroom for the soul.



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Dick Greenberg
New Paradigm Partners LLC - Fort Collins, CO
Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate

Hi Debb - I've always thought that was a great idea - unfortunately, I live in a state where collecting rainwater in a barrel is illegal. Pretty much every drop of water in Colorado is owned by someone, including rain water. Weird, huh? Water law is a very complicated thing here in the arid west, and the richest people I know are water attorneys.

Mar 07, 2012 06:00 AM
Mimi Foster
Falcon Property Company - Colorado Springs, CO
Voted Colorado Springs Best Realtor

I was just going to tell you the same thing that Dick said.  It is illegal in that State of Colorado to collect rain water as - because we all know this to be the case - it belongs to THE GOVERNMENT!  YAY Big Brother LOL :))))

Mar 07, 2012 06:10 AM
Ellen Caruso
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty - Glen Head, NY

Debb, what a cleaver idea, and you make it look so good. We are discourage to store still waters, but really what are we talking about, nature feeding nature! What could be illegal?

Mar 07, 2012 06:24 AM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


This is a great idea, and we have always practiced it in one way or another.  You may also want to check out a system called dewpoint, that makes water from air.  We have several machines in Santa Barbara, one at the Chamber of Commerce.  Thhe water is filtered several times, and it is great.  In a home a larger one can generate enough to take care of several households and water one's garden also...A

Mar 07, 2012 06:25 AM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Kristine, I think they can look charming's all in the design and how they're implemented. I'm sure they could be an eyesore too. ( Hopefully you got my follow up email about the link to nowhere.)

Exactly Adrian. And, as you well know, in the Pacific Northwest, we have plenty of rain water to go around for everyone.

Hi Bob, you should google "rain barrels," they have many attractive ones on the market these days. As for the email hacking, no clue, but my password has been changed and I'm doing other things to prevent a return attack. Thanks for asking, what a hassle.

Mar 07, 2012 07:07 AM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

David, I'm sure there's a way to do - in fact, that's a project my husband would love. His legal mind prefers working on this type of project as a relaxing outlet. Relaxing? Good grief, shoot me now - it sounds like a series of connections and benders and doo hickies...too many to think about. :)

Dick, that blows me away. I never realized that - but, I guess if too many people diverted the rain water, the rivers and streams (water shed) could be compromised. I don't think it's a reality, but I get the concern if someone (industry), large farms, etc. did it on a grand scale.

Mar 07, 2012 07:33 AM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Debb:  Luckily here in Fort Worth, almost all of the lakes are either at or near full capacity due to all the rain we have had.  I think the Rain Barrel idea is a great one.

However... after reading what was said above about water in Colorado... I have also heard (hard to believe this) that some cities and towns have actually banned the use of "water collection systems"... wanting instead all of the water run-off to eventually drain into their lakes, tanks and water supplies.

Collecting it makes sense, but that's probaly why some places have placed restrictions on it... LOL.

Mar 07, 2012 08:02 AM
Marge Piwowarski
Phoenix AZ Horse Property - Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix AZ Horse Property, LLC

I live in the wrong part of the world to collect rain water but I applaud the concept for those of you who get rain to catch! 

Mar 07, 2012 10:17 AM
Christine Smith
Buyers Brokers Only LLC - - Canton, MA
Exclusive Buyer Agent & Attorney, Canton, MA

Debb...I have had a rain barrel for a few years and I keep saying I want to get a second.  I blogged about it last year I think.  There is a local company here that recycles the barrels used for shipping olives into rain barrels so it is a win win!  Great blog post!

Mar 07, 2012 10:36 AM
Jill Sackler
Charles Rutenberg Realty Inc. 516-575-7500 - Long Beach, NY
LI South Shore Real Estate - Broker Associate

This post just makes me feel like the old ways are still the best ways. Dick's comment about the illegality in Colorado shocked me, though.

Mar 07, 2012 10:43 AM
Carol-Ann Palmieri
RE/MAX Executive Realty, Al and Cal Realty Group - Franklin, MA
"Cal" the Real Estate Gal

Hi Debb.   Nice post.   The town we are in was giving out rain barrel's a couple of years ago, but I don't know many that took advantage.    I think if folks had read your blog they might have reconsidered that.

Mar 07, 2012 08:58 PM
Todd Clark - Retired
eXp Realty LLC - Tigard, OR
Principle Broker Oregon

One of our friends had these, loves them. Said he saved $230 in water bills last year by having them. (we had our well, so we saved as well, but if ever have a house without a well, certainly will be installing them.)

Mar 08, 2012 02:52 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX


Raindrops keep falling on my head... we're starting to get rain here in TX! Yeah! Those watersheds sounds like the perfect solution. We should all starting thinking about conservation - it makes perfect sense. Plus, I think international countries will respect us more if we get them implemented too.

Flower Power all the way! Your blog post is so refreshing!!!


Mar 08, 2012 06:38 PM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Thanks all for your visit and stories about rain barrels, water laws, usage, savings etc. Please know how much i appreciate each of you and your thoughtful comments, I will be visiting each of your blog posts today.

Mar 08, 2012 10:27 PM
Mary Stewart
HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone - Wilsonville, OR
Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas

Hi Debb, I think rain barrels make a lot of sense.  I would not mind having one here to be able to use on our patio plants and the like.  Nice informative post.  Did you have snow?  We were covered down here.

Mar 13, 2012 07:38 AM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

Mary, snow until after noon. It's crazy! Poor little spring flowers are covered in snow. What's up with that? 

Mar 13, 2012 07:49 AM
Teral McDowell
Referral Patners LLC - Murphy, TX

Debb, all very good reasons to get a rain barrel; something I have been contemplating especially after the drought we had last year. BTW coming over from Q's reblog.

Jul 01, 2012 02:32 AM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Great advice Debb, I have a dozen of them, mine are not nearly as attractive as yours though, so I hide them behind a lattice partition.

Jul 01, 2012 03:46 AM
Toni Weidman
Sailwinds Realty - Trinity, FL
20+ Years Selling Homes in New Port Richey, FL

Hi Debb, what a great way to conserve! And, they look so cute too. Have a wonderful day.

Jul 01, 2012 05:01 AM
Joanna Cohlan
Fresh Eyes For Your Home - Chappaqua, NY
Designing, Decorating & Staging Westchester Homes

Great idea Debb-we need to conserve water because it is our most precious natural resource -particularly for use in irrigation and plantings.  I wish there were an easy way to really filter it from all of the chemicals rainwater carries from the atmosphere.

Jul 01, 2012 05:30 AM