Is the real estate market now approaching *GIMMICKS* to get clients?
It has been a while since I've written a blog, but this topic is just too important not to mention.
Recently I received in the mail a postcard from a competitor, who was soliciting customers (sellers) with the caption...
The postcard starts off with "Buyer's Beware: Buying a home with ______ will result in a FREE iPad2 or a 42" FLAT SCREEN TV for your new home!"
This irked me no end. Most of us, who consider ourselves PROFESSIONAL Realtors, work hard and do our due diligence to represent our clients whether it be a buyer or seller. This is shown to clients by referrals, and prior work.
Do we need to stoop so low as to now become (in my mind) a car salesman? Shouldn't our reputation speak for itself. Why use gimmicks? Is this how you become the *best in your field*?
I double checked the properties listed, and there was one I couldn't find anywhere.. I tried surround towns, looked under *all* the statuses of Active, Closed, Withdrawn.. etc. and couldn't find it.
All I can say is LET THE CUSTOMER BE WARE. Do research on a Realtor before going with a REALTOR that has to give you prize to work with them.
How do you feel about this... I'd like to hear your viewpoints.