

Real Estate Agent with Gardner Real Estate, LLC

Lake Granbury Farmers MarketThose of us that love fresh produce and who among doesn't? will be glad to learn that a Farmer's Market is coming to Lake Granbury and will be located in the parking lot of the new HEB on the eastern side of the city.   The Granbury City County approved a Specific Use Permit to allow a farmer's market on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between May 1 and August 31 for the next three years.  This will allow area growers to bring their freshly picked produce to a central area and sell it to consumers every weekend of the summer. 

The Permit does not permit sale of any meat, fish, eggs, refrigerated dairy products or home canned oLake Granbury Farmers Market1r packaged  items to be sold.  The fresh produce that will be available for sale will be uncut so there will be no health concerns for the consumer.  The local HEB will provide plenty of parking for customers of the market and they will also provide the booths for the farmers to display their goods.  This is such a wonderful opportunity for our area growers to make extra income selling their produce and also introduce the community to all the different growers that will be offering produce for sale.  It looks like a good eating summer is ahead for the residents of Hood County and we can thank HEB for making it possible. 

Summer is the sweetest time for living or visting Granbury, Tx with its historic square and the miles of lake offering up all kinds of fun for fishing, water sports or just lazing around and enjoying the day.  THere are many beautiful homes overlooking Lake Granbury on the market right now and with interest rates at an all time low, now is the time to consider investing in real estate.  Gardner Real Estate, LLC is always available to help with any real estate need that may arise and we are glad to show you properties even if you are looking at the area for the first time.  Give us a call today and let us show you why so many wonderful people call Lake Granbury home.  You can also check out our all the available listings at our website at  Look forward to visiting with you soon. 

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Peni Gardner               

Lake Granbury Real Estate Expert

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Mary Chamberlain

I was looking for Granbury’s farmers markets that are possibly open today. Really interested in peaches and tomatoes. Are y’all still in HEB Parking lot? I’ve never seen that, but I seldom go to that side of town. Looking for info.Thank you,Mary Chamberlain

Jul 15, 2018 08:50 AM