I have my house on the market and the showing instruction says to call 1 hour before showing and that is because I have a dog that goes crazy when he hears the door bell ring. So, therefore I get a call today from an agent who wants to look at my house. When an agent is going to show the property, I put the dog in a car and he is good about not making any noises. But today, the car was taken by my boyfriend and when I received the call from the agent, I asked if it would be okay to come by tomorrow. Now, I do know this agent because he works out of the same office as I do. Just by the tone his voice, I could tell that he was not interested in doing that. This agent, by the way is just previewing.
One of the reason's I like to sell my home every two years is to be reminded what it is like to be a seller. And now I know. Because I am one of those agent's that does exactly that, what happened to me today. If the Seller is unable to allow me to show the property when I am ready to go out and look at properties, my attitude is - that there is so many homes out there that I don't want to be bother either.
I am re-thinking that attitude, it should be asked, if there is a better time during that day, I could come by. I did offer that suggestion to that agent via phone message but never received a return call. At least, I was willing to work with the options that I had at hand.
I would like to know what my fellow agents think of this situation.