Good, honest, and responsive to my clients needs. That's what I look for when I recommend a mortgage broker to my clients and that's why I often recommend broker Sam Thompson. Sam always works hard to try and make things happen for my clients and he always provides excellent service. Sam can be reached at 1-843-230-7929. or on his website at
The above information was provided by Dale Heck and Cathy Bason, award winning Pinehurst, North Carolina real estate agents. If you are looking for Pinehurst retirement communities you can find all of the Pinehurst homes listed in the MLS on my site. If you are interested Pinehurst NC real estate, a Pinehurst waterfront home, a Pinehurst golf Front home, a Pinehurst Condo or a North Carolina horse farm please visit one of my sites listed below. Try Easy Search on anyone of my four web sites, it's the easiest way to search for real estate in Moore County.
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