I was given a bit of advice from a friend who had a bankruptcy removed from his credit report on his own without paying anyone a dime. The idea is very simple. He found out that after a certain number of years, the county moves it's records from a paper file to microfiche. (In his case, it was 3 years.) He waited until 3 years had passed and then sent a dispute letter to all 3 credit bureaus. He didn't dispute that he had a bankruptcy, he just said it was a chapter 7 instead of a 13 (or vice-versa, I can't remember). At this point the credit bureaus had to start an investigation. When the courthouse got the validation request, they didn't bother going through the microfiche. If it had been on paper they would. Or so the story goes. So when they never responded to the validation request, it was deleted entirely from all 3 credit bureaus.
I'm not sure if this would work in every state or every county, but it worked for him. It might be worth a few bucks in postage to give it a shot if you are in such a situation. Anyone know of anyone else that did anything similar??
Tony D. Howell
Mortgage Consultant
Olympic Mortgage Consultants, Inc