Being so new to the business i was trying to find websites on-line to post listings to. Our company is looking at paper advertising v. Internet advertising and the pros and cons of both. We currently advertise on several websites through our Team Webpage:,, YahooClassifieds,, as well as local websites such as and I am also aware of websites like but haven't heard much of the hype about it for Real Estate purposes in the State College Area. And of course I can post listings to, but am unaware of how to do so. Help?
But being new to the blogging and Internet advertising, outside of our company's websites and Our Team Webpage, I have no clue where to look and what websites to post listings to. I have checked out and am absolutely appalled at the responses to posts i have seen on there. Check out what Melissa Sieg had to say about Zillow.
But anyway, i am not here to trash other websites, simply looking for help. Can someone help me figure out how to advertiselistings on AR and if you have any ideas of where to advertise on the World Wide Web please share your ideas. I would love to hear them. Being in a college town (Penn State University), i know that people are all over the Internet and i am just looking to reach the most amount of people in an effective way. State College is also becoming a destination point for Alumni. The wonderful "baby boomer" generation that graduated from PSU is looking for second homes.
I would appreciate any help i could get. Especially those from College Towns.