Hi Activerainers,
As a member of LinkedIn I have joined several chat forums for Home Stagers, ReDesigners and Interior Decorators, etc much like many for us have done here on Activerain, we share our ideas and our experiences.
Recently, I participated in a survey asking " DO YOU HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE FOR YOUR BUSINESS?" if so would we mind exchanging "LIKES" ... Well, it was AMAZING the traffic that was generated with one post and word of mouth via print.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO THE SAME here on ACTIVERAIN? Share the "LIKES" on each others pages and see how traffic on your site increases! Fun and easy to do. My exposure went up almost 90% I will reciprocate to each of you that click "LIKE" on my page ... it generates interest and circulates to WHO KNOWS WHO that might be interested in your services.
Looking forward to seeing all your creative FB pages!