
December Meeting - SW Montana Chapter of NACHI

Home Inspector with Criterion Home Inspection, LLC

Hey folks!


A quick heads up for the next nachi chapter meeting, which will be tomorrow, Friday the  14th at 3:30pm.


This Month's speaker is Jeff Doerner,Regional Director, Residential Services, Environmental Data Resources, Inc.

Here is the heads up on his presentation:


"I will talk about the industry of environmental reporting and how it was introduced through the Phase 1 Environmenal Site Assessment Standards.  I'll then discuss some statistics from a 6 month long projet to test the viability of our product with Realtors, Homebuyers, and Home Inspectors.   Next it is a review of some common environmental issues (superfund sites, meth labs etc)  Lastly, I talk about our program, how inspectors can get involved, and  then we have a Q and A session.

Our online course that I'm going to talk about is worth 5 credits from ASHI, NAHI, and NACHI.  Most of the Education chairs i've met in the past give my 1 hour presentation 1 credit because it is derived from our online course."


This will be a good presentation for anyone in the real estate industry and is a good way to save your clients from having to get a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment ($$$).


The details:

 Southwest Montana Chapter Of NACHI December Meeting

12/14/07, Friday

3:30 - 5:00

King Arthur Community Center

West on Huffine, Left on Gooch, Left into King Arthur Trailer Court, Community center up and on the right hand side.  Look for the Home Inspection information signs.

This is a free class and is worth 1 continuing education credit for NACHI members.

If you have questions or want to RSVP (please...), call me at 595-0134


Have a wonderful holiday season!


Terry Lorenz

Criterion Home Inspection, LLC