The Big Lie
I have never met anyone that likes to be lied to. That being said, I have watched the "Big Lie" used in the real estate business for over thirty years. That Lie has cost agents a great deal of money over the years.
What is the Lie? How about some history to give you a little perspective. In the seventies a group of agents went to work for a "renegade" in the 100% commission real estate business. Timing was perfect, great market and traditional brokerages were cutting back commissions. For the first time agents were controlling their own income. Sounds great, but why did it take so long to grow? The Big Lie.'
Don't laugh, it is still being used today. There are different variations, but it essentially comes down to: "With out the Company(pick one) you just won't make the money you are making here" Sound familiar? My old 100% company is now the king of the Big Lie.
Why is it a lie? Well no company actually generates business, agents do. That's right, every listing, every sale, every dollar is generated by the agent. Period. You drive the company, not the other way around. If the company generated the business why would they just not hire agents on salaries and keep the profits? The agent, that is you, makes the company run. If that is not true how do independent agents survive?
This is your business and the decisions you make must be based on what is best for you and your family. Your clients do business with you because of who you are, not what company any of us work for. That should make you feel great. Look around and weigh all the options, it is your career make the most of it. Life is to short to make decisions based on the "Big Lie". We are great, and the companies we work in are but vehicles to do that work in.
Make it a great day