
Home Sales Are Springing Forward!

Real Estate Agent with The Burnham Realty Group NAR #SL3299848

According to the WSJ with the buyers absorbing more of the inventory the, real estate market is showing signs of life. This demand is increasing throughout existing home sales and new construction especially over the last 3 years. Generally Spring is the busiest period of the year and so far that proves to be true for home sales! The latest information from WSJ is that home sales in January and February were at their peak since 2007! Lets keep them moving!  

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MaryKay Shumway
Dwell Door County Real Estate - Sister Bay, WI
Door County Wisconsin's Real Estate Expert

It seems as though things are springing forward!  Thank you for posting.

Mar 21, 2012 10:39 PM
Beverly Couch-Burnham, Realtor®,
The Burnham Realty Group - Tampa, FL
Your Tampa Bay Home Connection®

Hi MaryKay! It is a pleasure to meet you on here. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Yes, indeed they are. Let us keep up the momentum!




Mar 21, 2012 10:57 PM