
The little girl with the thin skin speaks up to correct the record

Real Estate Agent

Zillow, here at Active Rain and other boards are discussing my alleged spamming. The point of my original post under Buyers on the Zillow board was meant for the Waunakee WI area hence is why I placed that in my sentence.


Because I misplaced the thread; someone could have showed me the door to the correct area instead I was showered with insults ans such. Fine, so be it. I'm responding here as me posting there will only feed the flames. I received this from Zillow: "...there are a number of ways to market yourself on Zillow, but Zillow Discussions is not a place to advertise one's services. It is meant as a place for users to get helpful advice." My thinking was that a discussion board wasn't of course meant to spread my name all over the place but, to offer up news, information, and such things of Value to possible consumers and those just skimming through. This way I can only respond to questions not initiate real estate news on a real estate board?


My article post was considered SPAM. Understood and point adultly taken; but the purpose wasn't to break the rules or bring my personal services into it; it was meant to bring a relevant article to the attention of the Town of Waunakee/surrounding neighboring area residents, not the U.S. discussion board.


No, no one had ever brought up my tag line being of a sexual or sensual nature before this. My tag line, "Have you been to China" came about due to reviews a couple of my Buyers gave me when speaking of me at company party. "Have you been to China? She worked with us through relocation for a couple months and asked questions I didn't even know to ask." (This is what I was told and is not verbatim) Any who, it stuck and many others began to use it when they happened to hear of me.


Thus name recognition from that breaks the ice and get people to smile and speak.

Posted by

China Crowell



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David Spencer
Keller Williams Northland - Kansas City, MO
Show Me real estate in Kansas City
Anyone who accepts Zillow prices as gospel just got off the boat. If you have taken Zilow to task because of their pricing in your market, then YEA Girl! Zillow is not a source of local market insight. That is your turf.
Dec 14, 2007 11:43 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

I thought it was a great post, great info for people in Waunakee, Middleton, Madison etc, as well as other college towns, that were in the NYT article you offered to readers. I don't know that local people in the Madison area are going to find you on Zillow.  Better to post on ActiveRain or your own blog IMHO. 

I loved the NYT map showing where sub prime mortgages are concentrated and where they are not.  Two ActiveRain members blogged about that article or actually the accompanying map on ActiveRain in early November when it was published, but  I missed it.  There was so much in your post for anyone who wanted to read about college towns but obviously those who commented had no intention of reading the NYT article or looking at the map, and assumed you were spreading an NAR message... because of their preconceived ideas. 

I had never seen the forums on Zillow until a day or so before Melissa S. wrote about your post and the subsequent comments. Someone on Twitter wrote about how vicious the comments on posts are and that was the first I saw of their forums.  I don't think Zillow is blogging, you have control in blogging, of your own posts.  It's a forum, those have been around forever.   

Yesterday there was a featured post on ActiveRain... guy in California, I believe he is a real estate agent, one of the key points was real estate is local!   I don't think he got slammed for spamming. 

Dec 15, 2007 03:43 AM
Matt Heitmann
Heitmann Homes LLC - Stoughton, WI

I've never used Zillow.  After these few posts I don't think I will be any time soon.

Good luck!

Aug 27, 2008 01:37 AM
Darin Osenberg
Funky Quail Vintage - Nashville, TN

Hello there!

I would LOVE to talk with you about this!

I am a former branch manager of Countrywide Home Loans, and have been manager of our simple, small, but highly ethical mortgage company out of LODI for the past 5 years!  We were in Madison for 3 years, and 2 years ago, moved the business to our home town!  We are proud to still remain in business, and the reason I am writing this in your blog, is NOT to sell our company to you!  I have only been on AR for a short period of time but love it!

The world needs more creative, professional and ethical people in this line of work!  It is very clear to me, after reading alot of information on you, that you fit that mold!  Too often, we as lenders, and you as a realtor, are maligned, chastised (did I spell that right? LOL ) for being "shady".  I think our job now is to let people know how VALUABLE we are not just as a profession, but also as PEOPLE!  We are people too for cripes sake!  We have problems, just like customers!

I would not stand for negative comments put on here by anyone, nor should you!  I would turn anyone in to AR, or especially ZILLOW for attacking my methods, character, or purpose!

My suggestion to you would be to continue to rise above!  Adopt the attitude of it's mind over matter! " I dont' mind, becuz the negativity doesnt matter!"  better yet, contact them directlly and talk with them personally!  Then, after squaring it away, make them blog a retraction, or apology!

I didn't take anything like this away from your comments at all!

you can contact me at 608-592-2227  Ask for Darin!  Leave a message and a contact # and I will get back to you!  If you have not read a book called the FOUR AGREEMENTS, you should!   I would recommend it to anyone that posts anything negative about you!

We need to band together, and we need to be positive!  Keep it up!  Hang in there!, and Matthew is correct, I don't think I WOULD go on ZILLOW now either!  However, give THEM a chance to address it as well!  Move on, and keep up what you are doing!


D-Money, aka;   Darin!!  :)





Dec 15, 2008 03:28 AM