
Smart Goals - Be fair to yourself and your business this year!

Real Estate Technology with BIC Services, LLC NMLS #70388

"Once you've created a plan for what to do if the worst should happen, you stop worrying.  And once you stop worrying, you can loosen up and have fun.  And once you loosen up and have fun, you rule your world." - Unknown

 "Unremarkable lives are marked by the fear of not looking capable when trying something new." - Epictetus, philosopher

"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain

Did you hit your goals for 2006?  Did you ever set any for yourself?  I set a goal of making the President's Club and almost made it thanks to YOU and my talented and hard working processors both of which I am very grateful to be associated with because you guys make my job easy.  I am making this my main goal again next year and am sure that with your continual help, I'll make it this time!

How about you?  Are you being fair to your business and yourself by setting goals so that you are pushing yourself harder with a clearer direction?  If you did, I hope you were successful but if you don't subscribe to this concept then your business is never going to be where it can be and should be. 

What do you WANT to accomplish for yourself next year?  By taking a few minutes today, you can develop goals that can help you excel in both your business as well as personally.  Here's the advice from the experts in setting good effective "smart" goals so you can see how you are doing and where you are going:

Specific - Goals should be within reach and challenging.  Visualize what you want to do.

Measurable - Include a deadline such as a week, month or year from now.

Achievable - Keep your goals realistic.  Start easy and add challenges to build success.

Rewarding - celebrate your achievements!  The reward doesn't have to be big, just something for a job well done.

Trackable - Measure your progress and keep on the path.

For realtors, here are some that will give you some ideas that meet the "Smart" criteria:

•·        Win your office's top producer award in 2007!

•·        Close $2 million in 2007.

•·        List $3 million in 2007.

•·        Close on 2 houses a month in 2007!

•·        Make it into Sam's "Top Regional Club" in 2007!! (This is a real smart goal! J)

•·        Obtain your CRS or GRI by the end of 2007.

•·        Make $100,000 in gross commissions in 2007!

Good Action Items for helping you achieve your goals could be:

•·        Talk to at least 25 people a day either on the phone, email or in person.

•·        Learn as much I can about one school, fitness center, hospital, etc./month that I can share with prospects moving in.

•·        Be at work from 8:30 - 5:30 PM M-F at least 4 times a week.

•·        Join a big civic club and be active by attending every meeting by the end of 2007 for some great networking opportunities.

•·        Put up a personal website by the end of the 1st quarter in 2007!  This is the best time to get this done for this year!

•·        Develop a 600 (50/month) prospective email and mailing list by the end of 2007.

•·        Attend 3 local events with your Realtor badge with at least 50 people a month.

•·        Be seen in public with your Realtor badge in front of at least 30 people a day M-F.  Just buy a few groceries at 5:30 everyday at different stores will satisfy this one and get you many chances to pick up a new referral!

Make sure to put in some personal goals too like spending more quality time for yourself and with your family and friends or improving your personal health, your mind or spiritual health with exercise or educational growth goals, etc.

Just pick a few things that you want and go for it!  And don't be afraid to think big either!  The most successful people in the world do this and it the main reason why they are so successful.  Remember the advice of Earl Nightingale that "You will become what you think about!"  Positive thinking and having a clear plan for your success in what is really important to you are the keys.  Visualize your goals and keep these vivid pictures in your mind throughout the year.

So take out a pad and pen today and write down what you think is working and what you could be doing differently.  If you need any help with this, call me so I can help you brainstorm.  If there's one thing I'm really good at, it's brainstorming!  You know the old saying, "Keep doing what you are doing and you are going to keep getting the same results"...  If what you are doing is not helping you get what you want, do something different next year!


While you are doing this, here's a great suggestion that can really help your business!  Make it one of your smart goals to refer at least one lead per week to me so I can help you close more deals next year!  Once you see how fast and easy our pre-approvals and closings are, you are going to have no problems hitting this goal so we can both make it to the top in 2007 and we can both celebrate!!  Think of me as your personal mortgage advisor and let's work more closely together towards helping you achieve your goals this year too! 

Good Luck in 2007!

Sam Thompson, PHH Mortgage Advisor



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Marci Toliver
438-4642 - Mauldin, SC
Anderson SC, Spartanburg,Greenville SC, Home Staging
Sam, this is some good info!  Happy New year!
Jan 01, 2007 08:11 AM
leading edge
Austin, TX

Hi Sam!

A high-tech companion to the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting would be Symplifi by Topaz Software (  Symplifi is a business planning, goal setting/tracking and CRM software all in one.  You enter the amount of income you want to earn in 2007 and Symplifi tells you how many leads, clients and closings you need to achieve it.  Every time you log in you can see how close you are to your goals, your appointments, your tasks, your conversion rates and your sales forecast...very motivating!  

Happy New Year!!


Jan 04, 2007 01:22 PM