
DON'T PUT YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!!! If You're Having Trouble Paying Your Highland, California Mortgage... SHORT SELL IT!!!!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Garrigus Real Estate CalBRE# 01844442/01844441


DON'T PUT YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!!! If You're Having Trouble Paying Your Highland, California Mortgage... SHORT SELL IT!!!!



Losing control of your mortgage can be devastating and embarrassing, but don't let your emotions keep you from exploring your options!!


One of those options is a Highland Short Sale. Short Sales have become the viable option to foreclosure. It can help you ease the massive credit damage a Foreclosure can cause. Foreclosure can keep you from buying another home for five years or longer. Short Selling can reduce this time to a couple of years. A Highland CA Short Sale on your credit says to future potential lenders that you were pro-active in dealing with your distressed mortgage.


Not all Highland, California real estate agents are knowledgeable with Highland Foreclosures and Highland Short Sales. Not all Highland, California REALTOR agents are equal! Use someone you can trust; someone experienced; someone that can protect your interests.
We are Certified Foreclosure & Short Sale Specialists, and we can help you short sale your Highland CA house NOW. We specialize in Foreclosures, Short Sales and Distressed properties. We understand the current depressed market, where it's headed and what it means to you!!!!


We specialize in the Riverside and San Bernardino County areas. We have dealt with many Short Sales and

Highland CA Short Sale Specialist and Foreclosure Agents

Foreclosures, and we understand how to market, negotiate and short sell your Highland, California home.


Call or email us now, and together we'll get your life back on track.


Call Now: (888) 9-List-It


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Posted by

Todd & Devona Garrigus

Broker / REALTORS®

951.490.3698 | Direct for Todd
951.490.3683 | Direct for Devona
CalBRE# 01844442/01844441