Leads and exposure dropped slightly due to the post-Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping diversions. We anticipate the seasonal spike to begin on 12/26 and last into early February.
Agents and brokers with listings continue to benefit the greatest from our system. Between November 15th and December 16th 2007, we've delivered the following benefits to our Network Members ...
- Lead Generation:
On average each member real estate agent/brokerage received 3 leads with brokers and agents in Tacoma and Pierce County receiving an above average number.
- Web Site Visitor Referrals:
On average we referred 9 visitors to each member's real estate website. Visitor "click-thrus" remained consistent across all market areas but our network members in the San Juan Islands and Aberdeen seemed to receive a slightly higher performance.
- Personal/Brokerage Promotion:
Each member's promotional image (photo or logo) was displayed an average of 1010 times. Our best results were provided to our members in the Seattle, King County markets. Our single "Buyer's Agent" received 884 instances of personal promotion.
- Listing Features:
Each member's real estate listings were promoted in the premium "top center" and "left margin" positions an average of 3853 times. Our strongest results were provided to members serving King County.
Please contact us at 253-927-2229 if these benefits are of interest to you (Washington licensees only). Pricing begins at $39/month with REALTORS receiving a 25% discount and qualifying link partners receiving a 25% discount.