Too often we place too much emphasis on one layer of real estate marketing. Right now it's Social Media; but socail media is only one layer of a effective marketing cake.
It's like having a wedding cake made of only icing; no fluffy vanilla cake, no cream frosting, no strawberry filling... etc. Icing by itself is awesome! But relying on icing alone won't make for an tasty cake.
Effective and impactful marketing encompasses online-offiline, new-traditional, guerilla-conventional marketing tactics. But all together, you've got yourself one awesome marketing campaign strategy.
So, this real estate season, make sure you're hitting all aspect of the marketing mix. Dust off the walking shoes and get back to to your roots and door knock.
In between homes, jump on your phone and update your FB status.
Create and print postcards and property flyers and hand deliver them around the neighborhoods and parks. Later than night, take the digital versions and blast them on FB and via email.
It's heartbreaking to see agents struggling for business because their placing all their bets on FB to drive leads. The agents and broker that make it do EVERYTHING! Moreover, they do everything the rest of us aren't doing.
This Spring and Summer bake a marketing cake and ensure you've got all the good quality layers covered!
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We shall do great things!