
Bubble video

Services for Real Estate Pros with Zillow

Someone sent me a link to a neat video about "the bubble". Very amusing. No, not the real estate bubble. The other bubble -- the venture capital investment bubble. Or I should say the alleged investment bubble. While clearly there is a lot of enthusiasm for internet companies among investors, and while clearly some companies will have a hard time living up to their hype, I personally think that 2007 is fundamentally different than 1997 in terms of internet investing. The biggest difference is that most companies today have a clear path to revenue and profitability, whereas in the last boom cycle this was not the case. Some have even argued that Zillow's $87 million in venture capital investment is evidence of said bubble. I (obviously) beg to differ and aim to prove those doubters wrong.

In the meantime, check out the video for a few chuckles. The guys in khakis and blue shirts was particularly amusing to me.

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Deborah Burns ~ Seattle Real Estate Agent
Realty Executives -BRIO - Seattle, WA
LOL!  Bah...bah, bah, bah..."Blog about this song"!  Very cute, and catchy tune!
Dec 19, 2007 03:58 PM
Ken Cook
Content, coding, marketing, host. - Marietta, GA
Content Marketer/Creator
Cool. Now I'm glad I stayed up so late with the wife upstairs in the "wrapping room" wrapping presents. Why do we have a wrapping room? I have NO idea. I guess they ran out of names for rooms but why did they BUILD a wrapping room? I better go to bed. Thanks for sharing Spence - that was entertaining.
Dec 19, 2007 04:37 PM