

Real Estate Agent with Samson Properties

When reading this article about the FBI probe into the flipping of properties in Prince William County I was reminded how this is the state of the country's  economy in microcosm.  More than ironic that this came across my desk whiles listening to NPR lament about the state of the economy country wide.  Both in this article and in their program the act of flipping and speculating on properties to gain profit went from being a respectable business to the downfall of civilization as we know it. 

How was it that just 3 years ago that what  Zak Ahmadzada did would be applauded as savvy business now it is considered FBI investigative fraud?  Upon a fourth reading of the article I think I know why and why now so many fingers are pointing in so many directions. 

 When a buyer is placing their trust in the realtor, the seller, the financier, and sometimes the needed lawyer, it is their belief and trust that they will own a home they can love, care, and pay for. Or there was the speculating buyer that many say, got what he deserved for paying too much for his greed. Now some blame the buyer when they took a  short cut by using owner financing or no doc loans.  But it is really the lender, not the buyer that took advantage of someone's ignorance?  Not the buyer for wanting the security of a home. 

Some blame the appraiser, for giving a home more value than it is worth, and say now if we had correctly appraised the properties worth all this problem would not be here. 

Point taken. 

And probably right , but then how could we have re inflated the economy if we had not done such and allowed disposable income for the seller? 

We would have only had the impending recession sooner.  It is a very simple premise, if it is too good to be true, it is.  And if you take a short cut, you will pay.  And maybe Zak Ahmadzada will find out once this investigation is over.  But if you charge him, be prepared to charge many more, for he did what so many did in the last 3 years. 

He is just an easy one to find in Prince William Co. 

May we learn from there and get better from here.


Well, I think that this particular gentleman deserves to be punished. Not only that, the mortgage firm that he works for is notorious for such activities. Mr. Feda, the mortgage broker and the C.E.O of American Affordable Homes himself had quite some shady dealings in the past. Not to mention, that an immediate family member of the broker served time in prison for mortgage fraud. As for Zak, he has been well known in Afghan community-which is a tight-knitted community for such acts of fraud and I think some of his downfall must have been by flashing some of his newly gained wealth through these scams. I hope most of these crooks do get caught for the sake of economy and for the sake of good people who do trust the industry professionals to pratcice care, loyalty and ability to advise them in good faith not to rip them off.

Jan 06, 2008 05:18 PM
your mom

if you have anything to say about Zak Ahmadzada... call me. u know nothing about him.... 2023522449

Feb 11, 2009 06:29 AM