
Villa Park Rotary minutes of April 4, 2012

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The April 5, 2012 Newsletter has been published to the Villa Park Rotary website. A copy has been included below.

You may also read it on-line by visiting

Rotary Club of Villa Park Newsletter

Happy Passover and Easter

Congratulations California State Timed Trial Champ Bill Langstaff

Congratulations Garrett Elmendorf and Kevin Brunhober for Recent Achievements

Skin Cancer Recognition




Opening Ceremonies:

Invocation: Mike Brunhober

Pledge of Allegiance: Teri Brooks

Rotary Four Way Test: Jane McDonald

Song: "When You're Smiling" Teri Brooks



Nancy Mills- Mother of Greg Mills

Fred Fascinelli- to be inducted today



Steve Stern promises matzah for next week's meeting

Bryan Nash extended an invitation for Villa Park Rotarians to attend the Villa Park Home Tour

on April 29th. The tour will feature 4 homes- tickets are $40 and an additional $10 if

you want to have a post tour dinner at Rockwell's

Wayne Silzel announced the Covenant Presbyterian School is having a golf tournament on

May 7th at the Alta Vista Country Club. Tickets: $140 each and include golf, dinner

and raffle. The tournament is a shotgun/ scramble.

Next Week's Speaker- Jimmy Ozeata- New CEO of the Orange YMCA



Induction of Fred Fascinelli

Pete Moriarty Presiding; Sponsor Greg Mills

Dsignation: Criminal Law

Avenue of Service: Vocational

Sponsor Greg Mills looks on as Fred Fascinelli is Inducted by Pete Moriarty

Happy Bucks:

Ed Carter- Announced the Villa Park Dad's Club Golf Tournament at Strawberry Fields on May

1st to benefit Villa Park Elementary School.

He is also still collecting clothes for the clothing drive.

Bill Langstaff thanked Pete Moriarty for having the Fireside Chat at his home. He enjoyed the

opportunity to learn more about rotary.

Bill also announced that he is the new California State Bicycle Timed

Trial Champion. Congratutions Bill!!!

Danny Friedl was proud to announce his daughter was accepted at USC and got a 70%


Steve Stern wished everyone a happy holiday.

Bob Grandolfo was happy to be a member of the club and that his daughter is visiting.

Greg Mills was happy Fred Fascinelli has joined the club.

Nagy Ibrahim wished everyone a Happy Easter, Passover, Tax Season and his son a happy


Teri Brooks announced that her son Garrett has taken up power lifting and competed in his

first meet. He was declared California State Champion in 2 divisions and broke the

record in the Dead Lift with a weight of 523 lbs.

Mike Brunhober announced that his son Kevin, who attends Fullerton College, and plays Bass

competed in a group at a jazz festival and his group won 1st place.

Steven Pollack congratulated Bill Langstaff for his state championship. We should appreciate

that this is a major accomplishment.

Mark Schmidt recently visited St Louis, Boston and Notre Dame University with wife Jan

He also visited his son in New Jersey and announced that his son and daughter-in-law

will be moving back to California.

Jay Applebaum thanked club members for helping him set up his talk on the Ipad.

Eric Sense was proud of his son who came in to pitch the last inning of a Villa Park Varsity

Baseball Game. His son did well, but the team lost after the ump reversed a call.

Speaker: Jay Applebaum, M.D.

Recognition of Skin Cancer and Common Skin Disorders

and Craft Talk.


The take home message was to be careful when going out in the sun to help prevent skin cancer.

Use sunscreens, avoid peak sun hours of 10AM- 2PM, wear protective clothing and a hat.

Melanoma incidence is on the rise and should be detected early and treated early to prevent

spread and a worsened prognosis. Any mole that is irregular in color or shape, itching, burning

or bleeding should be examined and biopsied.


Next Week:

Jimmy Ozeata- CEO of Orange YMCA

Posted by

Ron Accornero