
Is Every Single Realtor Really The Best? Weeding Through The Ridiculous~

Reblogger Ken Anderson
Real Estate Sales Representative with Apex Results Realty Inc., Brokerage

I heartily agree with Chirimie's blog.  There is so much chest-pounding, ego-stroking, self-indulgent advertising out there, we are compelled to forget that only one who is really #1 is the client.  

It is up to the client to get to feel comfortable that the Realtor® he/she is dealing with is the one she can count on to get the job done in the best manner benefiting her/him.

Original content by Cherimie Crane

Hold on to your lock boxes, this is one for the strong at heart! It was taught to me quite early on, that the best rarely have to announce that they are, in fact, the best. Their work usually speaks for itself without any need for back up. Possibly it is just me, more likely it is just me on an entire pot of coffee; but what on earth is going on in the real estate marketing realm? Is every single agent really THE absolute best?

I ran track in high school, not many cheerleaders do. There is a reason not many cheerleaders run track, a reason that alluded me until track season was over. Unlike real estate, at the end of track season the best actually get a ribbon, a trophy, and often a much needed new pair of shoes. Truth be told, I didn't get a ribbon, no trophy was presented, and there was simply no need to replace my shoes.  I wasn't the best. I wasn't even in the same time frame as the best.

There is a new phenomenon in the real estate industry that I find a bit odd. Perusing magazines, local papers, websites, fliers, and even name tags I see that each and every single Realtor is, in fact, the best. Maybe they should meet my track coach. He had no problem explaining to us that in order to be best, you had to beat the best and until that momentous occasion, you were just another track runner. Sound harsh? I think it is honest and I appreciate someone telling me that it was something to work towards, not just a word that looks good on paper. If you want to win, run faster. If you want to be the best, work harder. It isn't just a word or a tagline.

To add to my confusion, this odd new approach to marketing seems self indulgent at best. If you are marketing a home, shouldn't the home be mentioned? Shouldn't the strengths of the property, the area, and the lifestyle be somewhere in the advertising? Instead I see flashing photos of shiny happy Realtors exclaiming their transcendence to perfection! What on earth?

Our jobs are personal, they do require some amount of self promotion, but to be so self promoting as to forget the point of showcasing a property, a project, or a cause? Again, maybe it is the coffee.

If you are searching for a Realtor, weed through the clutter, rule out the ridiculous, and go with the one who understands their job is to market your property, not their seemingly true accolades. Finding a good Realtor is not difficult at all. Some of the most professional, most skilled, most knowledgeable Realtors are ready to take your call, and help you reach your goal.

Tips on weeding through the ridiculous:

1. Does the agent's marketing, revolve solely around the agent?

2. Will they market your home, or their head shot?

3. If they are the best, have them show facts! Where do they rank in their local MLS?

4. Ask for RECENT phone numbers/contact information. If they can't give you three sellers, or three buyers; give them a goodbye.

5. Ask for an example of their marketing plan? How will it get your home sold?

6. Do they advertise real estate on their PERSONAL Facebook page, where they also advertise their weekend debacles, beach photos, and overly emotional opinions? Do you want your home advertised directly above a photo of your highly intoxicated Realtor? Ouch.

Our industry is full of amazing, wonderful, and professional Realtors who work so hard everyday to fine tune their marketing, streamline their efforts, and produce real results. Make sure your Realtor is result driven, not recognition driven. Ask for facts, weed through the rubbish, and work with someone who will focus on you! After all the best agent is the one who just sold your home!



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