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10 Critical Things You Need to Know About Great Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Agent with Kaminsky Real Estate Group/Shorewood Realtors

The 10.7 critical steps to successful Real Estate marketing

You’re selling your home. The Real Estate market is appearing to show signs of stabilization. Is it safe to just throw a sign in the front lawn and an ad in the paper? Well this isn’t 2005 anymore. It is 2012 and real estate values are significant enough to affect the net worth of many homeowners. Making sure your home is marketed effectively to maximize your bottom line is most likely very important to you. Over the next few blog posts I will elaborate on a few of the points in the list overall, so stay tuned. . . Let's start with the following:

1. Exposure

2. Preparing the property for sale

3. Access to the property




Exposure is the key to realizing market value. The true value of any asset is what the buyer will pay; that is provided the asset was marketed and exposed to every conceivable buyer. Exposure today means a lot more than just telling your neighbor it’s for sale with a sign pitched in the front lawn. Newspapers used to be a significant source for buyers; today newspapers are becoming an antiquated source to find buyers. The internet has changed that game as buyers start, research and evaluate on line. We live in a cyber-world where more information and more opinions are available than ever before. The online presence of your must be prominent; you must stand out. The more pictures, virtual tours, and information on line about your property the more likely you are to seek out the ideal buyer who will pay you fair market value for your property.


Preparing the property for sale can increase both profits and speed in the sale of a home. Most buyers will state that they are OK with a "slight fixer" and they are open to the idea of changing carpet and painting a home, however, experience tells us a whole different story. You can watch buyers get emotionally charged when they walk into a picture perfect home as opposed to when they walk into a home that needs work, is not staged; they immediately bring out their mental calculator and start deducting from the asking price thousands of dollars from the asking price. The more you can get a buyer to mentally move into your home the more comfortable they will be paying the price you are trying to achieve.


Access to your property has more value than you may know. There is a time when privacy and pre-set appointments are paramount for an owner, and that is understandable. All the same, homes with easy access (meaning a lock box) and those with limited restriction on days or times to show will always have more showings. It is not uncommon for Real Estate agents to prepare to show a property less than one hour before they get in their car. Buyers often call on a moment’s notice and say they are ready to go look. The first homes shown are those that are easily accessible. You never know when a buyer may be ready to purchase on their first time out looking. Missing out on some of these buyers can be costly.

Check back soon to watch for the next installment, where we explore how Valuation, Being Flexible and Perfecting The Pitch contributes to successful Real Estate Marketing.

If you can't wait for it, visit: www.EdSellMyHouseFast.com to download the full list now.