
I hugged a Llama!

Real Estate Agent with First Time Buyers, Investors, Winter Homes, Move Up Buyers

moving van 

I’ve been noticing a wonderful sight lately – moving trucks!  I hadn’t seen too many of them lately, but employment and real estate are beginning to look better in Arizona, so folks are moving to our beautiful state.  I hope our newcomers take some time to seek out unusual things and places to see in Arizona.

moving van




I’ve lived in several states and overseas, and have always tried to see as much of our new surroundings as our busy lives would allow.  Some time ago we ventured up to Strawberry, Arizona – a beautiful area in the high country.  A couple in Strawberry run a B&B, Fossil Creek Ranch, and arrange for their visitors to hike with the llamas they raise (along with some goats and an alpaca!).





We had a wonderful hike through gorgeous scenery while my llama, Lakota, carried my lunch.  We stopped in a beautiful clearing, ate a delicious lunch and had a rest before we hiked back to the B&B.




The llamas are very calm and quiet animals, except they do like to hum – “Johnny-one note” kind of hum.  We also had a chance to help groom them. 




Instead of a room, that night we stayed in a yurt!  Anyone can pitch a tent, but how many people do you know who can say, “I stayed in a yurt”?  It was a delightful experience for me, a city person.  (The yurt is undergoing maintenance right now, so may not be available to rent.)





Every area has some wonderful “hidden” gems.  We get so busy with our lives, we don’t often take the time to find them and enjoy them.  But we all need to take a break from our “everyday” and do something new and different.  It’s like getting a new lease on life – a small break, but so refreshing so we can get back to work and commuting and shuttling the kids back and forth, etc. 




Don’t forget to plan a short, inexpensive get away soon.  It’s great information to share with new clients not familiar with the area.