
Flipping Bird Is Not Welcome at Crown Key Realty, Tracy, CA

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management 01490605

One of the things we like at the offices of Crown Key Realty, Tracy CA are visitors.

However, Personally I prefer people to our most recent visitor.

Our most recent visitor is a BLACK BIRD.  Yep, she has flown in through the vent in the roof and out the register in one of 2 office.

Scared the heck out of me... especially when she flew out the heater vent that was missing the register cover.  I screamed, she aimed for my head, then flew straight back into the duct.

I, promptly went and bought new register covers, screwed them in and voila no more bird IN THE OFFICE..... except, she is ONE UNHAPPY bird.  I spent the afternoon listening to her peck and peck on all the register grates, flapping through the ducts.

Now my concern is will she die in there, stink up the office, or since she found her way in she will find her way out?  

What is the humane thing to do?

This is not her, she is a blackbird, however

this was the only photo I have a 'normal' bird.

pidgeon - not a blackbird


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DeeDee Riley
Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA - El Dorado Hills, CA
Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas

Oh no Susan, it doesn't sound good.  I'd Google it and see what kind of ideas you get.  Can't believe your little black bird is a first.

Hope to see you tomorrow at the meetup in Livermore!

Apr 16, 2012 03:53 PM
Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide

If I was nearby I would catch it and eat it.

It'll be a little hard trapping it but I've done it successfully a few times.

Apr 16, 2012 04:20 PM
Jim Patton
Aspire Home Real Estate 209-404-0816 - Modesto, CA
Realtor - Stanislaus ,Merced, San Joaquin Counties

I think you might have been better off putting the register on after the bird was out of the ducts then shooing it out the door.  Hopefully it will find it's way out the way it got in there.   Good luck. 

Apr 17, 2012 08:07 AM
Susan Goulding
Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management - Tracy, CA
Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate

DeeDee - I'm so bummed you came all the way and I didn't make it.  I was stuck at the office, dealing withe THE BIRD, Had roofer, furnace people, all very preplexed as to A) how it got in and B) how to get it out.

Pete - if you were near by I'd let you.

Jim - problem is the thing has gotten in 6 times.  We didn't want to leave registers OFF if it could still get in.  Thought was she'd go out the way she came in.

Apr 17, 2012 11:44 AM
Dale Bledsoe
Crown Key Realty - Tracy, CA
Realtor in Tracy, California

The bird has been around for a few weeks now and recently left a note on my desk asking that we call him by his given name, Larry. 

Apr 18, 2012 01:18 AM
Jim Patton
Aspire Home Real Estate 209-404-0816 - Modesto, CA
Realtor - Stanislaus ,Merced, San Joaquin Counties

Susan did you check to see if the bird has a valid Ca Real Estate License?  If he keeps coming back that much maybe he wants to join the Crown Key Realty Team. 

Apr 18, 2012 04:35 AM
Gary Frimann, CRS, GRI, SRES
Eagle Ridge Realty / Signature Homes & Estates - Gilroy, CA
REALTOR and Broker, Notary

Lately, this business is for the birds.  Give it a desk and a phone and see what kind of business it can drum up.

Jul 01, 2012 05:46 PM
Katerina Gasset
The Gasset Group & Get It Done For Me Virtual Services - Provo, UT
Amplify Your Real Estate & Life Dreams!

Oh, we do not have control on it but I'm pretty sure there are some ways to prevent it.

May 24, 2014 10:43 AM