1. Remember to start paying for Christmas a year in advance with deductions to a Christmas account instead of waiting until December to charge it all.
2. Remember credit cards represent debt, not money. Each time you use one it is like taking out a loan at the bank!
3. Remember that access to buy and ability to afford are not the same. Credit gives us access, money gives us ability.
4. Remember not to give in order to get.
5. Remember not to confuse giving with buying. The most appreciated gifts are ones involving an investment of time and talent, not just our treasure.
6. Remember that it is not necessary to match the value of every gift you give with every gift you receive.
7. Remember to pay off Christmas charges quickly. Paying off Christmas debt with minimum payments will prompt a visit by "the ghost of Christmas past". It takes 8 years to repay $1000 credit card debt if you pay only minimum payments (plus $900 extra for interest).
8. Remember to give to someone who has no ability to repay, or give to someone anonymously.
9. Remember to spend within your means.
10. Remember the reason for the season. Help your family and friends emphasize the real meaning of Christmas.