
Financing and Real Estate Terminology In Spanish..............

Mortgage and Lending with Nationwide Funding Group

I hope this is helpful for all of you non spanish spaking or spanish speaking professionals out there. I am mexican so the diatlect might slightly differ from other latinos and the terminology they use.

Mortgage = Hipoteca    -----    Hipoteca Ajustable = Adjustable Rate Mortgage --- Hipoteca Fija = Fixed Rate Mortgage

Penalidad = Penalty  ------ Hipoteca Segunda = Second Mortgage ---- Agente de Bienes y Racies = Real Estate Agent

Loan = Prestamo ----- Cobros = Fees ----- Opciones = Options ----- Pago Mensual = Monthly Payment

Impuestos = Taxes ----- Aseguransa = Insurance ----- Loan Officer = Agente de Prestamos / Presamista

Financiamiento = Financing ---- Cash Out = Dinero en effectivo ----- Equity = Equidad


If anybody has anymore terms they need translation on feel free to ask.................... 

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Gary De Pury, ESQ.
Bay Vista Realty - Land O Lakes, FL

You rock, That is great.  You should put it i a printable form so we can walletize it.



Aug 05, 2006 03:13 PM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA
Thanks Gary, imagine if i charged $5 per wallet size card hmmmmm.....
Aug 05, 2006 03:21 PM
Teri Isner
Keller Williams Realty at the Lakes - Orlando, FL
Gary fun post will share it with our team we specifically have one person to help with our Spanish speaking clients.but this will help us all
Aug 06, 2006 01:23 AM