

Real Estate Agent with Exit Realty United


Another fabulous year is almost behind us.

This has been a year of change.  I have been going over the list of year end goals that I set this time last year and I was amazingly surprised.

In what way you ask?  Pleasantly surprised.  With the state of the Real Estate Market, the Credit Crunch and Gas Prices my optimism for this year was at an all time low for a super-optimistic person like me.  I found myself looking two or three times before verifying that the glass was actually half full, "Yeah it is half full" whoosh!

The situation I am am at now is not to let the current mood place a negative effect on my goal setting for 2008.

Times of adversity give us the opportunity to really RISE to the occasion and challenge our possibilities.  What a sense of accomplishment when you do what every one is saying CAN'T be done. 

When sitting down to set your goals for the new year AIM HIGH and don't let the Dream-Stealers bury your vision.

There are many of us who have let others beat the OPTIMISM, HOPE and VISION out of us.  The good thing is that you can reclaim that part of yourself and one of your first steps can be through goal setting for this New Year.


1.  SET ASIDE TIME - You have to set aside some quality time that you can complete this process uninterrupted and when you are able to think clearly. 

2.  HAVE YOUR TOOLS READY - If you will be creating VISION BOOKS, have your pictures of your dream house and dream car ready.

3.  AIM HIGH - Do not limit yourself.

4. SET TIME LINES- When setting your goals don't forget to set them in increments. 30 - 60 -90 dAY goals or just monthly and quarterly goals.

5.  SET CLEAR, CONCISE GOALS - Be as clear as you can when setting your goals.  If you are setting an income goal you need to set an exact amount.  When you clearly define your goals you can better set up your plan to achieve them.

6.  IDENTIFY ACTIVITIES - Have clear activities to use when setting your goals.  If you live in a climate that has severe temperatures your activities should match the climate.  Don't forget to factor in major Holidays in your activities, you can use them to develop special activities geared around them.

Once you set your goals it is time to go into ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION.  Annual Goal setting is just the start of the process.  Your plan and activities should be adjusted and modified all of the time.  When you are planning activities you need to measure their success and make adjustments when needed.  Having a blueprint to work from helps you identify what you need to do. 


Any extra goal setting tips will be appreciated in the comments.


Thank you all for making the last half of this year a great one for me.  I am Blessed to be a part of this wonderful community and I owe a lot to so many of you who continue to inspire me, make me laugh, make me want to do more, make me think and helped me push through the rocky road.  Who could ask for MORE.
I am eternally THANKFUL to you all!




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Christina Williams. REALTOR® TN property search & local insights
First Realty Company - Crossville, TN
Great goals and insight on the market. I have been working on my goals for the new year this week as well. Good luck to you in 2008.
Dec 26, 2007 04:17 AM
Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI
Great tips you have there Toni! I know one thing...I refuse to sit and wonder what I'm going to do....I plan and get to it. I just "know"'s going to be a grand 2008!
Dec 26, 2007 06:45 AM
Charlie Ragonesi - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros

This is a great blog. One of the things you mention about setting time lines is so critical. We often set goals but do not evaluate where we are until it is too late.

I do not know your market anymore as we moved so long agao. But if it is any where near good then you will do very well as you have ity together. All the best for 08. I wish I could manipulate pictures like you do in blogs

Dec 26, 2007 07:53 AM
Sharon "Toni" Brown
Exit Realty United - South Ozone Park, NY
South Ozone Park - New York City Real Estate

Christina - Thanks...  The very best to you this coming year and always.   2008 is going to be great!

Sally - This year is going to be so grand that I hope my heart will be able to handle the joy of it all.  I "know" that you "know", that I "know"....  WOOHOO!

Charlie - You need to come home and visit soon.  Once a NY'er always a NY'er.  The image thing is easier than you think.  Wishing you the best!  

Dec 26, 2007 09:29 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
Toni, My particular favorite is number 3...the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.  It's a wonderful post, thank you for sharing it.
Dec 26, 2007 11:39 AM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate
Toni, welcome back! Where ya been hiding for the last month ? Happy New Year to you and much success in 2008.
Dec 26, 2007 12:21 PM
Sharon "Toni" Brown
Exit Realty United - South Ozone Park, NY
South Ozone Park - New York City Real Estate

Carole - Three is a powerful number.  I can see why it's your favorite.  You are so welcome, wishing you the best in '08.

Missy - Thanks for the welcome, I am a little busy to actually be back.  See I was under this rock... and then I had to clean up before I came over because I was so dusty.....  

It's just great hearing from you.  Back at ya Girl!

Dec 26, 2007 12:48 PM
Tom Plant - Murrieta, CA
Toni - We missed you! Welcome back. That's a great way to set the stage for what I believe will be an incredible year.
Dec 27, 2007 01:05 AM
Sharon "Toni" Brown
Exit Realty United - South Ozone Park, NY
South Ozone Park - New York City Real Estate

Oh Tom - I missed you all too! The withdrawal was crazy.  I did however take time to read blogs.  It was killing me not having time to comment. 

I am so excited to set tis year off that I've started implememting my plans already. Best to you Dear and hope to see you during INMAN.

Dec 27, 2007 01:17 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
Toni, This is a wonderful post with some terrific goal setting ideas.  I wish you a very blessed and happy 2008!
Dec 30, 2007 02:49 PM
Kathy McGraw
CELLing Realty - White Water, CA
Riverside County CA Real Estate
Hi Toni....well I still have about 45 minutes to wish you the best New Years......yep, I had to come find you, and let you know that even though I haven't been everywhere I want that I never forget my friends.....Happy New Year Toni, and keep the is what makes us who we are.  And if one day you feel let down.....remember that old song about "pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again"........yep, we'll be Ok this coming year, just adjust our goals, and keep a good mind :)  Toni....thanks for everything you have given to so many here this year......and looking forward to more in this New Year.....
Dec 31, 2007 02:21 PM
Adam Waldman
Westcott Group Real Estate Company - Hauppauge, NY
Realtor - Long Island
TONI - Thank you for sharing these very helpful tips.  I have bookmarked it to use as I continue on my plans for 2008.  I think that the best suggestion was to set aside time.  If we set it as an appointment, we're much more likely to keep it than if we just try to squeeze it in.  Happy New Year, Toni!
Jan 01, 2008 01:11 AM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL

Toni The Tigress...

If I aimed any higher I'd be high fiving the Angels :)


Jan 06, 2008 02:36 AM
Sharon "Toni" Brown
Exit Realty United - South Ozone Park, NY
South Ozone Park - New York City Real Estate

Wow!  This year is flying by already.  I turned around and we are in the second week.  Sorry for the delay!

Carole Thank you for comments. Have a great year!

Sister Kate - I miss you so much.  There are many times that I do think "What would Sister Kate do?" it's amazing the positive effect meeting you has brought to my life. 

Adam - Thanks I appreciate all you do for our network.

TLW - I figured that. Don't go messing withthose Angels, Girl.  We need you down here to keep things lively! 

Jan 06, 2008 05:05 AM
Marcia Kirtonx
EXIT All Seasons Realty - Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn, NY - EXIT Realty
Hi Toni ... Here's wishing much success for 2008! We need to make some time to meet each other in person soon. 
Jan 11, 2008 12:05 PM