Another fabulous year is almost behind us.
This has been a year of change. I have been going over the list of year end goals that I set this time last year and I was amazingly surprised.
In what way you ask? Pleasantly surprised. With the state of the Real Estate Market, the Credit Crunch and Gas Prices my optimism for this year was at an all time low for a super-optimistic person like me. I found myself looking two or three times before verifying that the glass was actually half full, "Yeah it is half full" whoosh!
The situation I am am at now is not to let the current mood place a negative effect on my goal setting for 2008.
Times of adversity give us the opportunity to really RISE to the occasion and challenge our possibilities. What a sense of accomplishment when you do what every one is saying CAN'T be done.
When sitting down to set your goals for the new year AIM HIGH and don't let the Dream-Stealers bury your vision.
There are many of us who have let others beat the OPTIMISM, HOPE and VISION out of us. The good thing is that you can reclaim that part of yourself and one of your first steps can be through goal setting for this New Year.
1. SET ASIDE TIME - You have to set aside some quality time that you can complete this process uninterrupted and when you are able to think clearly.
2. HAVE YOUR TOOLS READY - If you will be creating VISION BOOKS, have your pictures of your dream house and dream car ready.
3. AIM HIGH - Do not limit yourself.
4. SET TIME LINES- When setting your goals don't forget to set them in increments. 30 - 60 -90 dAY goals or just monthly and quarterly goals.
5. SET CLEAR, CONCISE GOALS - Be as clear as you can when setting your goals. If you are setting an income goal you need to set an exact amount. When you clearly define your goals you can better set up your plan to achieve them.
6. IDENTIFY ACTIVITIES - Have clear activities to use when setting your goals. If you live in a climate that has severe temperatures your activities should match the climate. Don't forget to factor in major Holidays in your activities, you can use them to develop special activities geared around them.
Once you set your goals it is time to go into ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION. Annual Goal setting is just the start of the process. Your plan and activities should be adjusted and modified all of the time. When you are planning activities you need to measure their success and make adjustments when needed. Having a blueprint to work from helps you identify what you need to do.
Any extra goal setting tips will be appreciated in the comments.
Thank you all for making the last half of this year a great one for me. I am Blessed to be a part of this wonderful community and I owe a lot to so many of you who continue to inspire me, make me laugh, make me want to do more, make me think and helped me push through the rocky road. Who could ask for MORE.
I am eternally THANKFUL to you all!