
How would you like to have the lender pay your closing costs?

Reblogger Beyonca Clark
Real Estate Agent with Century21 New Millennium

This is definitely thinking outside of the box! An opportunity to bring in more buyers for sure during this type of market and staying within the various real estate regulations. Are there any MD Mortgage Lenders out there willing to re-package this idea for Solomons, Lusby, Lexington Park, California, Prince Frederick, Hollywood, or any other southern Maryland area????

Original content by Joanne Gillet 53243



     How would you like to have the lender pay your closing costs?


At our office meeting this morning one of my favorite lenders announced, that the company he works for, will pay many of the Closing costs for our clients!  They are calling it “Purchase Power!”


Helping you to put more money into the house you want to buy! Saving you thousands!! $$$


No Application Fee

No Underwriting Fee

No Appraisal Fee

No Document Signing Fee

No Document Prep Fee

No Flood Certification Fee

No Credit Report Fee

No Fee for Lender Title Policy

No recording Origination Fee

No settlement or Closing Fee




Plus Access to LOW competitive rates!


Close on time guarantee!




Call me today for more information!


Joanne Gillet


Pawleys Seaside Realty

