Richmond American Homes Has Some Explaining To Do
Back in February I discovered that my furnace is seven years older than my house. You can read "I Can't Believe What My Builder Did" . I tell the story of how I discovered that my furnace is from 1993, when my house was built in 2000. At the time I didn't expose that my builder is Richmond American Homes because I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, and give them the opportunity to make it right.
I just received a letter from Richmond American Homes that basically says they will do nothing for me. They say "At this time, Richmond American Homes of Colorado, Inc. (Richmond) is unable to accomodate your request as during this time frame in which your home was built there was no requirement of the manufactured year of the furnace. The only requirement was that it needed to be a new furnace. A furnace-manufactured date would not be relevant as manufacturers have furnaces that are made, and stored until sold. In addition, the extended warranties were not offered on your unit until the year 2006, and this extended warranty would have had to be purchased with the manufacturer at that time."
This is Richmond American Homes! It is not some small time builder that can't back up their product.
They say the requirement was for the furnace to be "new". Seven years old does not seem new. It may not have ever been installed in a home, but sitting in a box for seven years does not mean it is still "new".
Is it just me or does this seem wrong to put in a seven year old furnace into a brand new home? It really doesn't seem like they plan to make it right! What do you think I should do?