I have a subscription to the Idaho Statesman here in Boise Idaho. It seems that the Statesman is really good at bringing negativity to our industry. I realize a lot of the articles are pulled off the national services and there for they do not tell the best story here at the local level. I will say that I have seen a few articles that have been optimistic but they really are far a few between. This last Saturday like many before I picked up the paper and grabbed my cup of coffee to look over the news and the real estate insert. In side the paper was another story about the stats in the valley. For the most part very down and negative. Sure things are slower than last year, but it is not the end of real estate here in the valley. I will be the first to admit the sellers are having a harder time finding a buyer for their home. However we should be concentrating on letting the buyers know it is a great market to be a buyer. I was so happy to see one of the local Realtors getting his message out there. Dave Kallas had a wonderful add that was short, sweet, and to the point. He highlighted on why it is an excellent market for buyers. I just wanted to take the time to publicly thank him for a strong positive add not only for himself but for all us agents out there. Kuddo's for a great add Dave. Let's all step to the plate and let the buyers know they can buy and should feel good about the market. We continue to grow and our homes are holding value. This business is always changing and today it is the buyers who have the upper edge. I am very optimistic about the new year and look forward to it.
If you see Dave give him the thumbs-up for a job well done. Liz Hosbein