Real estate Toledo, Ohio alive and well
Here it is December 28th, as a Realtor I am supposed to be experiencing down time and working on the upcoming years business plan. Instead I find myself writing offers, helping to stage upcoming listings, and showing properties to 3 more qualified buyers. There is a large selection of properties for sale, at reasonable prices and great interest rates. What a wonderful time to be a buyer! Those that are on the selling end also share that same opportunity to save on that "move up" or "downsize" property. Homes that are staged and maintained properly are selling. Those that are not and are realistic on their asking price are selling. The remainder of those properties for sale need to understand what is attracting buyers in this "buyers market" and decide to commit to either sprucing up or lowering their price to attract the buyers. They are out there! Personally I am just a bit tired of hearing all the negativity about the market. Possibly a little positive attitude from the professionals in the real estate arena would counter act all the media negativity. As Realtors we may have become a teensy lazy in the hot market and now we are being forced to "strut our stuff". So let's show the market we have the "stuff to strut" by starting each day with a positive attitude, brushing up on the old standards of unforgettable service and learning some new techniques that appeal to todays internet buyers/sellers. I've been pleased to have been working with some very professional Realtors that believe service is something that is necessary not an option. My opinion....jump in the "water's fine". I welcome your comments.