November 2007 Comparison to November 2006
November Average Price Average Price Trend
November 07
# Sold 2007 2006
37 $476,335 $614,896 -22.5%
San Bernardino County Homes for Sale Monthly Totals:
#Sold 2007 #Sold 2006 %Chg 2007 2006
1362 1742 -21.8% $308,368 $370,929 -16.9%
Closed Residential Resale Transactions As Reported By Dataquick Information Services. I post this information monthly so you can keep up with trends in a few select cities in San Bernardino County. I always post the cities of Ontario, Chino, Chino Hills, Fontana and Rancho Cucmonga as a comparison with the specific city as well. Brought to you by: Doug Beaver Corona, Norco, Riverside Homes for sale Real Estate Realtor