
Buying an Investment Property - Lancaster Homes For Sale

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Elite RM423455

Buying investment properties has been the best decision I have ever made. The Lancaster homes for sale market has afforded many opportunities for a person to invest in real estate. However, before Lancaster Homes for Sale - Buying an Investment propertyentering the investment property market, there are several things to be considered.

One component to consider in buying an investment property is to plan for maintenance needs. A rainy day kitty will be necessary for the serious investor. A recent experience for me was a sharp reminder of this fact. The picture shows a strange growth pattern to tree roots found at one of my investment properties. These tree roots have created havoc with my sewer line. The old sewer line is terra cotta tile with joints every three feet. These joints are a perfect place for tree roots to grow into because of the available moisture.

Buying an Investment Property - Lancaster Homes For SaleFor obvious reasons, tree roots are not a friend of the unobstructed passage of fecal matter. These tree roots seem to capture the white mice which female tenants or guests may flush down the toilet (These are feminine products for those who do not know).

Another necessary component in owning an investment property in Lancaster City is knowing the municipal laws. The city has begun an arbor program encouraging the planting of trees. This program requires that the city issue a permit in order to cut down a tree. I learned the hard way that this can create challenges when trying to clear a clogged sewer line and ultimately replace this same sewer line. Yes, that is correct, I must remove the tree and replace the sewer line.

The first quote I received was over $10,000. This is a substantial amount of money. Without a rainy day kitty, that expense could be ruinous for the ill prepared investor of real estate.

Interested in buying an investment property from the homes for sale Lancaster, PA? Please contact me.

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Living in Lancaster Group


An agent who places your interests as his first priority. 
Cal Yoder

Your Homes for Sale in Lancaster Agent

Keller Williams Realty Lancaster

1630 Manheim Pike

Lancaster, PA 17601

Office Phone: 717-735-1145

Cell Phone: 717-413-0744

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Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

Good advice many who buy investment properties have no idea what they are getting themselves into or the major costs that could be involved.

May 02, 2012 06:46 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Good advice, Cal, for real estate investors.

I hope you are having an outstanding week, with camera in hand.

May 02, 2012 08:42 PM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Roger, definitely true. For those who understand this and manage well, real estate is an outstanding investment.

Thanks Roy. I am gonna have a great week and I will try to take more pictures.


May 02, 2012 09:08 PM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Cal,  I hit the feature button on this one.  People need to look at so much before they get involve with rentals.  Have a great day!

May 03, 2012 02:20 AM
Steve and Jan Bachman
RE/MAX Gateway, Reston, Herndon, Ashburn, Sterling, Fairfax - Herndon, VA
Realtors - Northern Virginia

Ouch!! $10k?

White mice...pretty funny Cal. That was new to me. :-)

May 03, 2012 06:34 AM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Thanks Will. I am thinking about doing several on buying investment properties. It has been a great day!

Steve, yeah that is high. I have a second quote considerably less and am waiting for a third one. People tend to get a kick out of the white mice thing and I usually encourage guests when they move in to not flush feminine products down the sewer, but it does not always work.


May 03, 2012 08:08 AM
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374 - St. George, UT
The best agent in Southern Utah!

Cal, An investor with experience has the ability to maintain a presence when they prepare, are willing and have the means to get it done! White mice, huh?! Hmmm

May 03, 2012 12:24 PM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Preparation and good management lead to success for an investor. The plumbers who have unclogged several of my sewer clogs introduced me to that lingo.


May 03, 2012 12:29 PM
Kathy Clulow
Uxbridge, ON
Trusted For Experience - Respected For Results

Cal - here is a possible solution that does not involve digging up your ftont lawn, there are other ones but this one sounded like it might be the ticket

May 05, 2012 05:40 AM
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc - Gulf Breeze, FL
Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.

Always know the laws and do the numbers while investing not to mention join a club and keep your eyes and ears open.

Jan 30, 2013 11:05 AM