
Looking to Purchase a Foreclosure (bank owned) Property in Chesapeake, Virginia

Real Estate Agent with Keffer Realty

Looking to purchase a foreclosure (bank owned property in Chesapeake, Virginia?

Looking to purchase a foreclosure property in Chesapeake Virginia? You have stumbled onto the right place. Chesapeake Virginia has over 1611 properties that are currently for sale. I work as a Real Estate Agent in the state of Virginia, and I will personally sift through each and everyone of these properties until we find the perfect fit for you!

Chesapeake Virginia
44 Bank owned properties starting at $13,900 to $309,000
4 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac starting at $84,900 to $239,000
48 VA Approved homes starting at $136,000 to $345,000
38 FHA Approved homes starting at $44,900 to $519,000

If you are ready to purchase, I am ready to work! Call me today to schedule your appointment.

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If you or anyone you know are in the market to purchase or sell real estate, contact me, I will be happy to assist.  Facing foreclosure and looking for help, contact me, we can talk in confidence, I may be able to help.  Don't let another day go buy with out weighing your options.


Keffer Realty 

Cell:  757-748-2194
Fax:  757-512-8953
