I came across some other posts similar to this one and thought we needed a new spin, or at least add a few touches of my own.
You may be a Realtor if...
- you go on vacation and rather than bring back souvenirs, you bring back a buyer.
- you visit a friend or family member at their home and run a quick home evaluation in your head.
- you get excited about seeing a new For Sale sign.
- you get mad if that sign isn't yours AND if its in your farm area.
- you're at a party and people ask you if you've met Mike Holmes from Holmes on Homes (HGTV) and ask what he's like.
- you have multiple voice mail settings.
- the picture on your business card looks nothing like you now.
- you have an assortment of Hawaiian shirts that you still wear on a regular basis.
- your cell phone bill exceeds $200 per month, continuously.
- you have everything required to live in your office for a week.
- you visit your local pub and call it prospecting.
If you have some more ideas or even your own experiences, please post away!